09-06-2017City of Edgewater C[ty of ��GEtWATE� Meeting Minutes Economic Development Board Wednesday, September 6, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER 8:00 AM 104 N. Riverside Drive Edgewater, FL 32132 Council Chambers Bliss Jamison, Chair of the Economic Development Board, called the meeting to order at 8: 00 a.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present 6 - Bliss Jamison, Marcia Barnett, Donna Snow, Brandon Beck, Clarence McCloud and Craig Bair Excused 1 - Cecil Selman Also present was Economic Development Coordinator and Parks & Recreation Director, Samantha Bergeron. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - None at this time 4. PRESENTATIONS - None at this time 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Bob Andrejkovics of 331 Admiralty Court, Edgewater Florida expressed his disappointment in the news that TO bank is planning to leave Edgewater and move to New Smyrna Beach. The board discussed ideas on how to encourage TO bank to stay in Edgewater. Marcia Barnett has been communicating with the banks branch manager and will forward her communications to the board. 6. REPORTS (CITY & OTHER) a. Planning & Zoning - None at this time b. SEVCC Vice Chair Donna Snow, reported that the SEVCC golf tournament is coming up on October 6th at SugarMill. Sponsors are still being recruited and teams sought. The Chamber of Commerce has chartered a Toastmasters club. It is a corporate club for Chamber members or employees of Chamber members or students of Chamber members, a personal and professional leadership development program. An incredible group gets together at the Chamber Thursdays at 12:00p.m. to practice public speaking, leadership skills, impromptu speaking. An open house is being held September 13th, from 5:00-7:00p.m. Everyone is invited to attend a social hour and demo meeting. City of Edgewater Page 1 Printed on 10/2/2017 Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes September 6, 2017 The next "Business After Hours" is actually a "Business Before Hours" starting at 6:30 a.m. on September 14th at Florida Hospital. c. Economic Development Coordinator Samantha Bergeron reported that manufacturing facility sites are full. A facility on Mango was recently purchased and is going to be improved for manufacturing rental. Ms. Bergeron would like to do a CEDS update at an upcoming meeting. 7. OTHER BUSINESS a. SEVMI - Update The Southeast Volusia Marketing Initiative has been having core meetings. They are working with Team Volusia, preparing for a marine show coming up in Tampa later this month. They are also working on an industry data sheet to represent Southeast Volusia, a logo and various tag lines for it. Since the target for this endeavor is all the activity going on at Kennedy Space Center, the current favorite is: Southeast Volusia, Daytona's Gateway to the Universe. Ms. Jamison created and provided to the Economic Development Board, a Southeast Volusia Marketing Initiative newsletter that includes their mission and vision. Ms. Bergeron reported that in March, Economic Development Advisory Boards from Edgewater, Oak - Hill and New Smyrna Beach, met and took the group's draft plan back to their respective Council and Commissions for review and approval. Edgewater and Oak Hill have approved the plan and New Smyrna is still reviewing as the SEVMI continues to move forward. Oak Hill has developed an Economic Development Board and is working with the County on an Economic Development Plan. 8. NEW BUSINESS Craig Bair asked the status of the City of Edgewater receiving FEMA funds for hurricane Matthew. Ms. Bergeron reported that no cities in the state of Florida, including Edgewater, have received funds from FEMA for hurricane Matthew and that this will affect how the City is able to respond to upcoming hurricane Irma. 9. BOARD REPORTS Clarence McCloud reported that Daytona State College is having a job fair at the South campus on October 26th with around 25 employers representing manufacturing and retail. The college is proud to align themselves with the Southeast Volusia Chamber, the City of Edgewater, the City of New Smyrna Beach and Oak Hill. Advertisements for the Job Fair will have all 4 of those logos showing the coming together of this group. Mr. McCloud also reported that a fiberglass boot camp is being developed and is planned to begin in October. Brandon Beck shared that the outline for the Fiberglass Boot Camp course curriculum is being reviewed with manufacturing professionals in the area. City of Edgewater Page 2 Printed on 10/M017 Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes September 6, 2017 Marcia Barnett reported housing inventory is low, with only about 35 homes for sale in Florida Shores. Bliss Jamison reported attending the Team Volusia Economic Development Board meeting last week - where a presentation was given on a marketing campaign they are getting ready to do. She suggested checking out VolusiaProud.com, which is part of team Volusia and is working with Enterprise Florida, who has a new marketing campaign called 'Boundless Innovation". Enterprise Florida is also working on a statewide database that will have strategic sites inventory. 10. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8: 28 a.m. City of Edgewater Page 3 Printed on 10/M017