ORDINANCE NO. 2004-0-05
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, has made the following
WHEREAS, based upon review by Staff, it was found that various development, capital and
impact fees were referred to in numerous locations in the Code of Ordinances and the Land
Development Code; and
WHEREAS, Staff recommended that all sections relating to construction and development
(development fees, capital and impact fees) be consolidated and located in one section of the Code;
WHEREAS, on January 5, 2004, City Council adopted Ordinance #2003-0-15 which
restated Chapter 21 (Land Development Code), Article XVII (Development/Impact Fees) and
incorporated all development/impact related fees into one Article; and
WHEREAS, restatement of Article XVII (Development/Impact Fees) now incorporates the
Utilities and Services, therefore, Article IV (Impact Fees for Municipal Water Supply and Waste
Water Treatment Facilities Extension) of Chapter 19 (Utilities and Services) should be repealed.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the People ofthe City of Edge water,
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. ,
Chapter 19 (Utilities and Services) ofthe Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by
repealing Article IV (Impact Fees for Municipal Water Supply and Waste Water
Treatment Facilities Extension) as follows:
See. 19-4(:t, Definitions.
A~ u~cd in t11i~ al'tiGIe, the fullo vv ing teIl11~ ~hall ha v c the I e~pceti v e Illealling~ asCI ibed to
Eqtt;M:~/lt / dident;a: MIlt (gR. U). The fvllo~ing i~ a definition of cqui valent le~idClltial
unit (D.RD.).
(a) R~"id~iltia:. Dae.h ~ingle-fa1l1il~ le~ide.ne.e ~Cl vcd b~ the. dty tlnough a ~inglc ~e~Cl ~er vice
aneb'ol vvMel meta ~hall be one equivalent le~idCl1tial unit. An inigation metel ~ill be
eon~idaed to be. an D.RD. and vvill be nquind to pay a11 impact fee.
(b) Roo,u.s, Clpat t/Il~,.t.s, fflob;.~ home .spc.ce.s. Dach n.!lidmtiallOOnl, combinMion of loom~,
~miment 01 plepmed mobile. home ~paee t11M inGIude~ eOlIDeetioll point~ fOl se.~eI and/Ol
~atel ~elvice t11M is Ovvnel ocenpied, offend ~epMMGI~ for lmt as a lental unit, 01 vacant
~hall be one equi valent r e~idential unit.
(c) NOIll e.sidelltia:, C01lll1lel cia: and indu.stt ;a:. For nome~idential tl.~C~ not ~pceifieally defincd
GIse vv her e in thi.!l ehapteI, the numbeI of cqui vaknt r e~idcl1tial tl11it~ ~hall be computcd by
the building official u~il1g the fixtme unit connt M defined in the most recent data published
by the AmeIieMl ''vYater \Volh A~~ociMion MId the follOwing folllltllM.
(1) Watd.
Total numbel ofI'ixtme Ullit~ x
25 gpeb'Pixutre Unit~ -
Total gpd" D.RD.'~
225 gpd/DRU
(2) SevtJe,.
Tvtall1umber of Fixture Unit~ x
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15 gpd/I'ixttlle Units -
Total gpd D.RD. 's
215 gpd/ERU
(d) Co"lb;rlat;otl aaOuJltJ. Aceotlnts thM contain both ICsidentia1 and eommeleia1 facilities
ser ved tll10ugh a common mctel miry be heated M eithcl Iesidential 01 nOll1esidential,
whichevel method of computMion lCsu1ts in the 1Mgelllt numbel of equivalent lesidentia1
(c) ExpallJ;oJl of e.AiJtiltg COrllte.ctiOJl. If a building peInlit is isstled fOI an existing connection
~ hieh ~ ill inCl case w Mer 01 lIle w eI delnand, 01 if a building changes flom residential to
110m esidcntia1 ocettpMlcy, the total numbel of E.R D. ' s for the old and lle ~ partil of the
facility ilhall be conlputed ail outlined in sttbseetion (e) of this definition. The nmubel of
nevv E.RD.'iI shall be detcrmined by 1IlubtIiteting the old E.RD.'s nom the total nnmber of
E.RD.'s in the entirc facility. The impact fee ~i11 be Msessed 011 the numbCl of ne~
LOCui SyJte.ill. That sYiltem in a new subdi v ision installed by the de v cIopel itt the developer 'iI
expense. The physiea1limits of each local systcm Me the limits of the particulM ilubdi v iilion
seI v cd.
~vV Mer mains MId se ~ el s ~ h01lle principal function is to seI ve I'll eM othel thMl the one they
traverse Me 110t a pMt ofthe 10ca111lystem.
See. 19-41.
PUI pose of Al tide and method of finance.
(b) En order to fillMlCe the1lle capital implo venlCnt1ll, sevela1 combined methods offinaneing ~ill
be neeeSSMJ, one of which i1ll an impitet fee defined M "a nevv usel's contribtltion tOwMd its
equitable sh.ne ofthe cost of capital ilnpro v cments requircd to sel ve nc~ u1llcrs."
See. 19-42.
Impact fee establishment and fee schedule.
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POI e.adl eqniv~kllt le~identi~l nllit connected to the ~y~tem.
\V atel ~el v ice impact fce.................... ...................................... .$
Se. ~ el ~er v ice ilHpae.t fee..........................................................
Total for both ~CI v iee~...................................................... ........
(b) POI each equivalcrtl re~idential nnit COll~trtlc.ted in aleM ~elvcd by priv.ttcly o~ned vvatcr
di~t1ibntion ~yste.m~ tl~illg Git, w ater ~ttpply only.
Hr " 1:. $
vv atel ~el vIce lmp~ct Lee........................................................... 1,000.00
( e) POI each eqni valent IC~idelltiaf mlit with pliO! sel v ice eOll1leetcd to the sewCl ~y~tenl only.
Sewel ~C! vice impact fce.......................................................... 1,425.00
(d) PO! G~eh eqni v ~lent le~idential nnit ont~ide the city limit~ comlcctcd to the ~y~tcm, the
in:'lp~ct fce~ ful vvatel cmd ~e~ Cl SCI v ice ~hall be in an a1nOmlt eqn~l to the. eqni v ~knt impaGt
fce ful a e.ollesponding connection in side thc city limits pln~ ~ tvventy-five (25) pel cent
stlIchalge M allo~ed by applicable stMe stattlte~.
(c) POI each cqniv~lent lesidarti~l unit eonstrtletcd ontside. the. city limits alld SCl vcd by
pri vatcly owned ~MCI distribntion systcms nsing the city vvMCl stlpply only, the impaGt feed
shall bc in alllOmlt eqnal to thc equiv~knt impact fce fOI a GOIIesponding eOllneetion in~ide
the city limits pins ~ t~cnt,-fivC (25) pel cent snrehatgG M ~llo~ed by applicable statc
(D POI e~eh eqni v~lentresidential nnit outside the city limits ~ ith prior ~atCI ~elv ice cOllnected
to the ~ewCI systcm only, the impact fee sh~ll be in atl alllOnnt cqnal to the cqui valent impact
fec for ~ cone~polldillg eonncction in~ide the Gity linlit~ pln~ a t~enty-five (25) pC! ccnt
snlchalgc M allovvcd by applicable ~tMc statntcs.
(g) FOI all patecl~ 10eMed ~ithin Flolida Shole~ for which a spcei~l MSC~~mel1t is in effectivc
and being levicd for the pmpose of the eOll~tItletion of a portion oft11e ~Mtevvatel sy~tem
treatmcnt plant, effluent lcn~e ~ystem, cmd ~ Mnital) ~e~el collection ~ystem, sneh
Ctl~tomer~ ~ ill not be impo~cd cm impact fce fOl the cost of financing the extension of thc
vv aste ~ Mel sy stem. All othcr vv MtG ~ Mel enstolllel ~ eOllneeting to the ~ Mte ~ ater s} stem
which alG ontside ofthe ~peeial Mse~smcnt alea ~ithin Plorida ShOICS shall be snbjcct to the
~Mte~Mel impact fee. All cn~tomCIS will be lesponsibk rol the p~lllent of the ~atCl
sy~telll impact fce.
(h) POI each eqni v alent lesidential nnit eOll1leeted to the system ontsidc the city.
Ra~ ~MCl ~CI vice impact [c(".................................................$ 240.00
Each ~dditional eqnivalent lesidential nnit oeeMioned by changes in propert, nsage
~nbscqncnt to the effeeti v e dMe of this article shall be sttbjeet to an impact fCG compnted in
ShtlGk tlnot1~h passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
aecoldanec with the foregoing CIiteIia.
Sec. 19-43.
Imposin~ fee, Inethod of pOl' ment.
(a) The .move and forcgoing fee shall be imposed on every eqni vaknt lesidential nnit connected
to the w Mel and/ol se w el sy stem w hcthel those nnits Me ne vv or existing MId in!!ide 01
ontside the city limit~.
(b) The methuds of fee pcrylncnt Me as follow!!.
(1) \VMer MId sewel connection in!!ide city limits. POI each D.R.U eon!!tlnetcd, a fce
of two thon!!M'ld fum htlndled twenty-five dullars ($2,425.00) will be paid with the
ptuehase ofthe btlilding pelluit.
(2) Vv'<rtel connection only in!!ide eit:y limits. POI each D.R.U eon!!tItlcted, a fee of one
thotlsand dollMs ($1,000.00) will be paid with thc pm chase of the bnildillg permit.
(3) Sewel connection only inside city limits. Pot each D.R.U eon!!tItleted, a fee of one
thOn!!Mld fum htll1dtcd twcnty-fi v e dullMs ($1,425.00) will be paid with the ptllehasc
of a bnilding pelmit.
(4) SevvCI cOlmeetions within PlOIida Shore!! which Me p<rying a !!peeial as!!e!!!!ment for
thc finMleing of the exp1tll!!ion of the wastewMer !!,stem !!hall not p<ry a wMtcwatCl
!!,!!tem impact fee. \V Mel connections within thc ser v icc area being as!!e!!sed ~ ill
p~ a watel imp~t fce fur each D.R.U eonstItleted of one thotlsand dollar!!
($1,000.00) with the pnrehasc of the bnilding pelmit.
(5) \VMer 1tlId!!ewer eonnectionont!!ideeit, limit!!. For an, w<rtel and!!evvCI eOll1leetion
ontside thc city limits, p<ryment fOI the impact fee !!hall be made in fnll priO! to
apploval of the applicMion fur sel vice.
(G) ~.Vhen an extcl1!!ion i!! madc to !!el vC an D.R.U existing plior to the d:&etive date of
this section, then the fee shall be paid as ddineMed .mo v e except thM the payment
!!hall be made prior tu the installation of thc connection.
(7) The impaet fee is comprised oftwo (2) separMc fee!!, i.e., wMer and sewer. hI areas
when onl, one of these ser vice!! i!! available, the applie.mk fee shall be thM
e!!tabli!!hed ful the service plovided. The applicable fee fOl the other !!el vice 01 fur
both sel v ices, if ncitha wa!! a v ailable M the time of eonstl tletion, v. ill become due
when !!CI v ice is made a. ai1ablc.
(8) Raw wMer connection ont!!idc cit, limits. POI each DRU eonstItlcted, a fee o[two
hnndted dollars ($200.00) will be paid Plior to connection!!.
Sec. 19-44. ImpAct fee In ie'W.
The imp~t fec MnOtl11t shall be levicwed in Jnl, of CvCl) ,car b, the cit, eotlncil in oldC! to
detclmine if the cost of s,stem inlplo v cmcnts necessitMes a change ill the amOtlnt of the :&c.
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Underlined passages are added.
Sec. 19-45.
Use of pI oceeds.
:~~~ ~~~Ged~ L~~c~~:~14ted by leMon o[the estab~is1nncnt ~f Ml inlp.!let fee cml be ~sed only f01 the
~~~:~~~1 o~~~ ~~ll~~~~ vvatel system 01 the p1llumy SMl1tm) se~cI system. S41d ploceeds may
~o ~ ~~~~c~ ~~- ~~~~r ~~ ~~g, tIpdating or bI i1.1ging the pI esent sy stcm into complimlCe vv ith any dImlge
In i(ttl\1~ blonght .wont by lGlSOn of pollntIon contIol.
Sec. 19-46.
TI ust funds.
~~r~ ~e ~~l:~~ established t~o (2) tItlst funds, one desig1'l.ated M (1) imp4et fee e4pital
~~~1-~~~1~~1~ Lt~~~t ftl1ld tOI the exp~sion of 'primm) ~4tC1 system, mId ~2) imp4et fc~ e4pital
~1~~1~~t'~7~l1ent trtlst fnnd for the expansIon ofpnmary sewe14ge system. Allll11p.!let fees p41d to the
~~ty ~I~l~ ~~ d~posited in t.he <lpP10pl~ate tltl.~t fund to be held in separate 4ceonnt~ arId nsed only fur
the purpose, of the expanSIon oithe City'S pumm) ~atC1 stIpply syste,In and the pumary ~Mte ~atGI
~I'(,4t~~ent system. Fnnds may be disbtllsed f10m these 4ceonnts in the cnstom.:try mml1lGl in
~~~l~~~~e vvith <lpplopliate 14vv vvith the applov41 of the eit, eomlcil and city eonsnltin~ engineel.
~l! ~l~?S 011 deposit in s4id t1Mt fnnds ~hieh Me nvt immedicrtely necessary [vi expenditnle m~
~~ ~11~S~~d ~1 time deposits ofbcmks or tl tL3t eomparlies 1 eplesented by eel tifieates of deposit fnny
~:~~l~~ ~~ ?rovided by 14~ mattuing in4 peliod of eighteen (18) months 01 less. Allsneh scemity
shall be held by the depositol} b4nk, 41ld 411 income delivcd thelcf10m shall be deposited in the
applicable tluSt fnnds M he1ein.wove established.
The city conneil m~ 4nthoriz:e Ml intufnnd advmIce betvvecll the above-mentioned tltlst funds fu1
~~~ ~~ancing of e4pital exparlsion of eithel system. Repayment pIovisions sh4ll be established by
the city coulleil at the time sneh advMlee is m.!lde.
Sec. 19-47. l\bjOI useI utilities - Policy, pIoceduIe fOI obtaining Cc\pad~.
(a) Statem~nt of poSey. The policy plovides f01 allocations bMed 011 specific leqnests in the
[vun of leqnisite gallons pel d4Y of w4tel 01 sevva~G e4paeity fOI nevv development,
lenovation, altC14tions, etc.. The policy indndes intOnnation on the appliclttion proeedtlle,
deli v lttion ofleqni1ed capacity .md specific ploglam lcqnilcments.
(b) .In., ocedttle. /01 obtaini,tg l-apaeity. Applications tOI sevvagG 01 ~atGr eapaGity shall be
snbmlttcd tv the City of Ddge~ate1's ntilities department. Applications shall G0115ist of
appl opricrte :&'l111S and docnnlentation M dclinelttcd in section 19-47.4 arId shall be a v ailablc
from the city. Appliclttions will be. given a pIclimimn) sCIeGning whGl1sttbmitted, and any
incomplete 01 ineo11 cet <lpplicc!tions vv ill be 1 ~ttl1ncd to the applicmlt fulncG~ssar, 1 e v isi0115.
Aeee.ptcd applications shall bc enteIed on a Gate~Olical pending sewage 01 ~atc1 capacity
list. Applielttio1l5 vvill be clMsificd by th~ fvllo~ing eategolies.
(1) Subdi~i.siun, .sih{5J-e-fUlllily. Appliemlts desiring to bnild nltlltiple single-fmuil,
Sa tick tmotlg,h passages are deleted.
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.L 7 . r '1..
.LIa,ge f1ltt~ttJUlhl"y.
AppliGants desiring ta bnild llmltipk Intllti-famil, residential
(J) ~~! ~~_ (;~/1l//lt~1 dal/i'ldu~tJ ia:/iItJti.tttti~Il~:' AppliGants fur cammcreial dcv elapmcnt
vvhase rcqncstcd GapaGlty allaeatl(jn IS 1ll excess (jf tInec th(jnsand tIncc hnndlcd
sCventy-five (J,J75) gpd sewel (jr tInce than.51tnd sevcnlmnrncd fift, (J,750) gpd
flaeemmt (jn a list ~ ill SClv e ta canfirm 1 eeGipt af a valid applieati(jn and GllStll e an
eqnitabk "filSt Game-first sa ved" pracessing (jf applieati(jns. Applicants ~ill be n(jtifiGd
b, certified mail that Gapacity is av ailablc roI allaeatian fur theil specific ploject and adv i.5ed
as t(j Miy additi(jnal illrollnati(jn 151 d(jcnmcntation rcqnilcd to faGilitatc lGviG~ of theil
~~~~~~ltS vv ~ll ?e 1 ~qnilGd ta pI a v ide snch infollna~i(jn ~r (jthGl vv ise pe~ fect a pending
applIeatl(jn ~lthlll thllty (JO) calcndM d~s fr(jm notrficatrall b, the ntrlitre.5 department.
Pailme to provide lcqne.5tcd inf(jrmatian within this time ~illlesnlt in lemoval of the
appliGation fr(jm thc appr(jpriate pcnding se~a~e capacity ar pending ~ater capacity list.
Falla~ing lev icw, processing and appro val ofthe applieatian by thc ntilities dCpMlmGllt, the
se~Gr and/ol ~ater feGs ~ill bG ealwlated for the pr6jcet. faymcllt oftlle fecs, as preselibed
in this palie" ~ill be I cqniI cd b"furG the application i.5 finally certified by the city. faynlcnt
af thc 15e ~ a and/or vvata fees shall eonstitttte a lGser vatian of capacity MId will remain as
stleh, snbjcct ta c(jmpkte compliMlce ~ith other prOvisions ofthe paliey.
To obtain se~age and/ar ~ata capacity allocations, the prapert, far whieL capacity
applieatian is made mtlst be appropriately z:oncd MId platted ta snpport the proposed
de v el(jpment and shall eamply ~ ith all appl (jpr iate aspects of the City Code. If at the time
an applieati(jn is snbmittcd the propGrty is nat apprapriately z:aned and plattcd, capacity may
be resel vcd by p~ment ofthc presGribcd sCvvcr Mid/or vvater fees. The applicant vvill havc
t~enty-fotll (24) month.5 flom the date of capacity reser vatian to achieve compliance with
the z:oning, platting and pcrmitting rcqnirements Mid ta obtain rcqnisite bttilding peImit(s),
(jr be sttbjcet to the reeaptme pravisians ofthis paliey.
In cases of applicati(jns fur Gapacity allocati(jns for namesidential dGvdopments, the
appliGant shall pro v ide snfficient inf(jrmation to facilitate a reM(jnablc estimate of capacity
nceds MId detamination of the se~cr MId/aI Watel fees. CapaGity vvill be reser ved based on
this Gstimate MId p~lllGllt ofthe pr eseribcd fees, ho vv ever, ttpan Gomplctian of final bnilding
plans, the plMis shall be sttbmitted for rC-Gvalnatian af capacity needs MId rc-c(jmptttation
af the fGes.
Shonld the final plans reflect a Gapaeity in eXGCSS afthat prGvionsly leselvcd, additianal
Shtick Hn(,)tlgh passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
caplK,ity will bc rGselvcd, if available, l1nd thc appliecmt \l\iill bc required to p1ty the
differcntial SC\l\icr .:md/or \l\iMCI fees. Should additional capacit, be 1equi1ed 111ld not be
available, the applicant shall, crt his option, modif, his plM1s consistent \l\iith the p1eviously
IGser vcd capllCit, or \l\iithdraw his applicMion M1d seeme a Iemnd of.:m, previeusl, paid
fees. The l1pplicM1t will have t\l\i cnt,-fOU1 (24) Illonths nen1 the d1ttc ef el1pllCit, rese1 v crtion
to sttbmit the final building plans.:md to ebtain 1equisite building penTIit(s), er be subject to
the recaptme p10visions efthis polie,. The p1eperty must be developed in aeeordMIee \l\iith
all appropriMe aspects efthc Cit, Code (c.g., building cede, plMlning.:md zening code, ete.)
in erda to qualif, fe1 a certifie1tte ef ocettp.:me,. Reser v Mion ef capacity in ne w 1ty
gUM.:mtees thM the sttbjeet prepert, willantonlMieall, be apprOved by the cit, building
Sec.19-47.1. Same - Payment of seller fees.
As indieMcd in the prceeding seetien o[this pelicy, se\l\ier fces \l\iill be determined in conjunction
vvith each applicMion. The se\l\ier fces shall censist of all applicable cerlneetion.:md impact fees for
the system connection. P1tytnent oithe sewer fces \l\iill be M follo\l\is. At the timc of application f01
sewage eapllCity, and follo\l\iing se\l\ier fce dcterminMion, the applieMion for se\l\iage capacity, and
follo\l\iing Se\l\ie1 fee detcrminMiel1, the applieMlt \l\iill bc required to pa, one lumdred (lOa) per cent
efthe fees M a condition of eapaeit, rese1 v Mien. The applieM1t \l\iill have sixty (GO) d1tys frem the
dMe ofnotifiecrtion by the utilities department te p1ty the fees. Pailme te make p1tyIllent vvithin this
time fiMlle \l\iill result in the remeval of the applieMion fron1 the appropriMe pending sewagG
eapl1eit, list.
See. 19-47.2. Same - Pa}'lnent of ",ater fees.
As indieMed in section 19-47(b) efthis polic" \l\i1ttcr fees will be determined in eenjunction with
el1ch applicMion. The \l\iMe1 fees shall eensist of all applicable eemlcctiel1.:md impact fecs f01 the
systGm eOlll1eetioll. Pa,ment of the \l\iMe1 fees \l\iill be M follo\l\is. At the time of applieMion for
se\l\iagc capacity, MId folle\l\iing wMer fee dcterminMion, the appliecmt \l\iill be requi1ed to pay ene
hundred (100) per cent of the fces M a condition of capacity rese1 v Mien. The applic.:mt \l\iill have
sixt, (GO) calendar d1tys from the dMe efnotifieMion b, the utilities depMtment to pay the fces.
Pailt1le to make p1tyment within this time frMlle \l\iill1esult in the remOval of the application from
the llpprOpriMc pending wMer ellpllCitj' list.
See. 19-47.3. Same - FDER pel nlits.
ApplicMiens for se\l\iage or wMcr eapacit, nl1ty require a permit frem the PlO1ida DcpMitncnt of
DnviIorlnlCntal RegulMion (PDDR) subsequent te processing ef thc llpplieMien by the utilities
department .:md r eser v Mion ef cllplK,ity. If 1 "quir ed, it shall be the r espellsibility of thc llpplieant te
obtain this permit fr em PDDR MId to pIe v ide ctrry lldditienal inrollTIMion or deeutnentMion r equir ed.
The applicant will have three hundred sixty-fivc (JG4) calendar d1tys f1em the dMe of capacity
Shuck through passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
~';~r:v~a~1~~ by the cit, to obta.in the reqtlired FDDR peunit 01 be ~ttbjeet to the Iecapttlle prov i~ions
~~t~l~~ ~ohcy. Shotlld the dcpM~nlent rcftl~e to i~~tle the pcrmit, or modify the eapaeit, allocation
or ntlmber of developmental mllt~, it t'Vill be inettmbent ttpon thc applicant to notify th{, tltilitics
~~p'~~mer~ t~ facilitate rcftlnd~ or rcealCtl1ation~ of the 1Set'Ver MId/or watcr fee~ MId Iequi~ite
Ievr~lon~ to crty record.
:c:r~~~~ i~ued by the FDER have Ml expiration datc of onc YCM fiom the date ofi~~uMIee. Dming
the 1i& of thc permit, the app1ieMlt mtl~t con~t1 tLct the ~e vv age or t'Vater collection/tr an~mi~~ioll
~y~tell1 in accoldance t'Vith the approvcd permitted p1an~. Shotl1d the pelmit expire and the
eon~tItlction of thc ~ct'Vage or vvater ~y~tcm not bc completed, the city nuty, ~ttbject to I'DER
applova1, agrec to MI exten~ion ofthc pcrmit, ~ttbjcet furthcr to a ~ati~factor, demon~tration that
eon1Str tlction ofthe ~y~tem hM been initiatcd and i~ bcing aeti vely pro~ccuted. If con~tI tlction of the
~y~tcm hM not been initiated, or i~ not being actively pro~eetltcd, the city may Ie~cind its
certification ofthe plojeet, MId the applicant t'Vi11 be ~tlbject to the capacity Iecaptme prOvisions of
thi~ policy.
Sect. 19-47.4. Same - Allocation factol sand linlitations.
Application for ~ewage capacity alloeation~ will be a minimmn of truce thotl~and truec hundred
~eventy-five (3,375) gpd pcr and vvatCl capacity allocation~ will be a minimtlm CJf 1111 ee thoUMlld
seven htlndred fifty (3,750) gpd.
Evaluations CJfthc City ofEdgct'Vater'~ tlti1ity ~y~tCll1 havc re~ultcd in Eqtli v alent Re~identia1 Unit
(ERU) f1.CJvv~ oftt'Vo hundrcd fifty (250) gpd for t'VatCI and hvo htlndred twenty-five (225) gpd for
vvMtct'VateI. hI re~er ving MId allocating capacity for app1ieation~ ~tlbmitted to the tlti1ities
depMtment the ERU factor method~ ottt1ined in ~ection 19-47.5 ~hall be tl~ed. The method ~eleeted
~hall be apprOved by the tlti1itic~ depM1ment.
Sec. 19-47.5. Same - Capadt, lesenation 01 allocation recaptule.
(a) Having obtained a ~et'Vage and/CJI water capacity IC1ServatiCJn or allocation, the Ie~ervatiCJn
or allo{,ation ~hall be u~ed MId applied only with rc~peet to the property for vvhieh the
app1ieatiCJn for ~et'Vage and/or ~ater capacity hM been made MId apprCJved. The Ie~er vation
or allCJeatiCJn ~hall inme tCJ thc ploperty, subject tCJ the prCJvi~ions CJf this pCJlicy. The
applicant i~ nCJt other t'V ise permitted tCJ sell, leMc, ~ttblet, M~ign, lend CJr tI an~fCI a capacity
IcseI vatiCJn CJr allCJcatiCJn, t'V ithCJtlt the priO! nCJtification MId apprCJ v a1 CJf the tlti1ities
dcparttllent tCJ {,nsure maximtllll benefit tltiliz:ation of the available set'Vage and/or vvater
capacity. The cit, le~er ve~ the light to Ieeaptme capacity, re1Scr vation~ CJr alloeatiCJn~, or
part~ thereof, ["r faiIme of the applicant tCJ meet the condition CJf attthoriz:ation, 151 to
Ie~pCJn~ibIy and timely pro~ectlte the development CJf the project for t'Vhieh capacity vvM
obtained. The eit}' ~ sole I e~ponsibi1ity in I ecaptm ing pI e v iCJtl~ly I eser v cd CJr allocated
capaGity, 151 pMt~ thereCJf, t'Vi11 be tCJ reftlnd the sevveI and/or t'Vater fees, CJr portions thClcof,
ShtIck tllHmgh passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
paid by the itpplieant f"I ~aid eap~ity.
(b) The city m~ in~tittlte the I ceapttlI e of I e~eI v cd 01 allocctted ~c ~ age 01 ~ cttCI capacity tlndeI
the f" 110 \tv ing eiI etllll~tMlce~.
(1) fi'ailmc to obtain 411 fi'DER pamit, ifleqtliIed, ~ithill tInee hrmdred ~ixty-fivC (J65)
cakndm d~~ follo~ing capacit, Ic~elvcttion,
(2) FailtlIe to obtainlcqtli~ite btlilding penllit(~) mId p~ lcmaindCI of ~c~el 01 ~atCI
fee~ ~ithin tvvo (2) ycm~ following cap~ity lc~eI vcttion,
(J) FailtlIe to obtain itpploplictte zoning mId pl<ttting ofthc development within two (2)
yem~ of capacity Ie~CI vcttion,
(4) fi'ailtllC to plovidc final btlilding plml~ fOI cOlluTIeIGial 01 otheI developmcnt~, roI
~hich cap~ity Ie~eI vcttion ~M bMed on plelifilinM"ji e~timate~, vvithin two (2) yeaI15
of citpacity Ie~CI v Mion,
(5) fi'ailme to obt<'l:in Icqt1i~ite city e0ll1lection pcrmit(~) fon,,~ing i~~tla1lCe ofleqtli~ite
bnilding permi t( ~ ),
(6) fi'ailme to comply vvith fi'DER pelfilit Icqt1ilCment15 within the life of the pafilit,
rmk15~ the pennit i~ extcndcd,
(7) Violcttion of the plohibition against t1<'l:n~fCI of a citpitcit:y 1 e~cI v cttion 01 allocation,
or failm e to pl0 v ide I cqni~ite notificcttion to thc utilities department of <'l:nJ change
in 0 ~ neI ~hip ofthe pr opcrty fur ~ hieh a IG~eI v cttiOl1 or alloecttion hM been obtained,
(8) fi'ailtlIe oftho~e itpplic<'l:nt~ who have pleviotl~ly obtained eitpacity all"ecttion~ in the
cxisting ~ystelll to plry otlt~tmlding ~evvel 01 ~ctteI fee~ mld completc action~ kitding
to ntiliz:cttion ohtlch capacity alloccttion ~ithin the time fIame~ prOvided d5e~hCIc
in thi~ policy, and
(9) fi'ailtlle to comply ~ith the IcqtlilcmC11t~ ofthi~ majoI n~e ~elvicc policy, a5 flOm
time to timc <'l:nlended.
(c) The city ~hall gi ve the itpplicmt, 01 ~ncce~~OI in intclc~t accolding to city Iecold15, thirt, (30)
calcndm d~~' ~Iitten notice ofit~ intcnt to lccitpttlIe Ie~eI vcd or allocctted ~e~agc OJ vvcttel
capacity M pIO v ided abo v e. Thc notice 5hall contain the bMi~ fOI the intendcd I ecapttlI c <'l:nd
~tctte vv hat COIl eeti v c itction i5 I CqtliI cd to pI c~eIv e the capacity I e5cI vation 01 alloccttion.
Dmillg the thirty-day pCliod, the itpplicant m~ tM<:C cOllcctivc action to comc into
conlpliancc ~ith the Iequilell1Cnt~ ofthc policy. Any Ieeil:pttl1C of cil:pltcity, M prOvided in
thi5 policy i15 5ttbjCCt to lcvie~ by the, city council.
See. 19-47.6. Same - Se",el and ",atel fees subject to change.
SCvve,1 and ~atCI fce5 m~ be, changcd ctt <'l:nY timc, ~ubjcct to itpploval by thc city council and
notificcttion provi5ion5 prc5cribcd by the City Codc. ApplieMrt~ who havc 5cctlIcd capacity
rC5Cl v Mion5 01 alloecttion~ rmdeI thi~ policy ~ill not bc ~ttbjcct to ~tlch change~ pIO vided thctt they
mc in complimlec ~ith thc plovision5 ofthi~ policy. ApplicMio1l5 made 5ttb5cqncnt to changc5 in
Snuck t111(',ugh passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
~~ :~:~~~ ~: :~t~:.~c~ ~~~~ ~c ~~ct to stIch ch,\1lgcs. Applicants "ho havc obtained capacity
~~~~~o<;~::,pol~je''''lI be toq.uod to po\) tho 'owe, 01 wale, fuo~ within tll< tim' ~?:
~l~e:' he:::- ~n t~l~S. policy, bnt bccatlsc snch capacIty IS allocMcd agalllst CXIStIng w astc" MCl O. _
:~~~~~.~~t F;~~~~tt~~,.~~ fecs will bc based on the policy and latcs in dfeet inlfilediatdy pliOl to
adoptton of tlus pOlK)'.
See. 19-47.7. SAme - Pendin~ Se""Age And ""Ate} capacity lists.
~~ ~~i~~t:~L~rc~~i~~~!~ i~l t~is poli~}, ~ll applic:ttions fin sel v icc will bc placed on a pending
~e\lVage Ot \\atn [apanty list If capaGlty IS not available.
See. 19-47.8. SAnle - Capacity CO} cit, AppliCAnts only.
:~~~~t,~~~~~}}~it~tions ~n cap~ci~y a.ailabl~ fOl alloeMion i~l ~lC imm~diMc futtlIc, all capacity
~~l~~k fOJ allocMions wIll be IHluted to applicants 10cMed wIthin thc CIty ofDdgcwatGI, 01 thosc
;~~L~l~ i~~,tl~c ~~~css of anllcxMion .into thc city. Applications EOl connections o~tsidc ofthe city
Inmts ~lll not bc accepted, cvcn If he, wonld comH:ct to sewels 01 watcl lines owncd and
~~!l~tl.~~~~ b~ ~~~ city, tmkss snch cOIl1lections me specifically plO v ided WI in a pIc-existing
tntcrloec11 01 sel v lee agl eemcnt.
Sec. 19-47.9. SAme - Septic tank policy.
Sec. 19-47.18. SAnu~ - System extension policy.
(a) Thc City ofDdgewMn Code ofOldinmlecs ontlincs the city's extension policy. POI watcI
SCl. icc, if a rcqncst is made beyond thc limits ofthc prcsent distlibtltion systcm, thc WMCl
dcpartmcnt may install a main to thc plope11y line, if the pIOpClty is located ..ithil1 one
hnndtcd (100) fect ofthc plcsent mains. This extension polie, shall not apply to plOpClty
located ontsidc thc city limits. \\11ere morc than onc Ilttlldted (100) feet of main is lcqnilcd,
thc watcr dcpmtnlent shall make a dcteIlllinMion as to whethel 01 not to providc scr vicc
based on economic, pttblic hcalth and system integtity consideration. In the cvcnt thc
application is detellnincd to be economically rmfcasiblc, sel v ice lllay still bc pro v idcd ifthc
pClsons reqnesting sneh scr .iee v.ill pay all costs in eon11cction thercwith.
Strt1e.k Hl1Ot1gh passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
(b) POI GxtCll~ion~ ofthG ~atCl 01 ~GwCI ~y~tClll ont~ide of the Gity, thG cit, GOtlllcil ~hAll hAvc
the pO~GI and mtthority to makG ~Aid GxtGn~ion ttpon ~hatevGI teIlll~ at1d Gondition~ thG Git,
eonneil ~hall dGtcunine, if it i~ dGteIluincd by thG city eOtl11eil that ~aid GxtGn~ion ~ ill
promotG thG pttblie hGalth, ~af~ty atId ~elfate and ~ ill bc GGonomically fcMiblc foI thG cit,
a'.nd Giti.lGn~ thGlCof. All co~t~ of Gxtcnding the city ~atGI or ~ewCI ~,stGm ~hall bc done
~oldy at thG expcn~G of ~aid penon Ieqniring ~aid extcn~ion atId thc plan~ of Ml} ~AtCI
~y~tClll to which thG city vvatCI linG~ ~hall be GxtGlldcd ~hall bG first apploved by the city
cnginecI~ plior to making connection to thc city watcr ~y~tClll.
Sec. 19...47.11. Same - R~sen~ capacity f~e.
(a) DaGh City ofDdge~atGI wateI 01 ~ewel pcrmit ~hAllremain cnl1ent fivG (5) yeat~ form the
date of ec'1paeity a v ailability And ~hall Inn with the land fol which the permit i~ i~~nGd. A
rc~elve cc'1pAeity f~e ~hAll be paid ammally fOI each DRU of ec'1paeity Allocated to an
c'1pplieant w hiGh 1 emAin~ tl1mscd after ec'1pAGity hM been made a v ailablc. A I eser v C ec'1paeity
fee ~ ill be e~tabli~hcd pnrsnant to IA~ by the City ofDdge~ atel based 011 the cost to the city
of mAintAining nnnsed se~Age 01 ~ater capacity for the atllonnt of treatment set f()rth in ~aid
Shonld a pel1nit become non-etl1rcnt, the right to eorIDeetion e~tabli~hed by ~tlch permit ~hall
tem1inate. An)' non-cnuent peImit m<ry be re-c~tabli~hed as cnuent only after application
for enneut ~tMns is applied for and ttpon ec'1pacity foI that type ofpGImit becoming available
to the applicant in the same mamler as iithe sMue were a ne~ application. Sneh pem1it ~hall
be lc-certified as enIlent ~nbjeet to All of the eondition~ of a new pGImit. All fces paid
pmsnMIt thel eto ~hall, npon iSStlatlee of a watel 01 se ~ el permit becoming non-enu ent, city
permittee m<ry apply for at1 extension ora city pelmit bcyond the period prOvided herein if
the PGImittee can demon~tIMc to the satisfaction of the ntilities depMi:ment that the project
for ~hieh the peImit is i~sned is plogres~ing. Detcul1ination ofthe term "progrcs~ing" ~hall
bc milde b, thc ntilities depatinlent and shall not excmpt pCln1ittees from p<ryment of the
rC~CIve capacity fee as described herein.
All enstomGI~ who hold city permits mtthori.ling connection to an)' eit)' tIeiltmcnt faeilitie~
~hall bcgin p<rying the le~eI vC Gapacity fGG twdve (12) lllontII~ from the date of capacity
allocation MId ~hall p.-ry said fGG each ,eM theleafter for each nneonnected ERU
All nnpaid leseI ve capacity fees shall c'tCcItle, and no com1eetion shall be allo~ed to an, city
treatmcnt plant ptl1~nal1t to any city permit nutil all ~t1eh nnpaid, aGeItled fce~ I elated to said
pcrmit have been paid in fnll by thG pClmittee or hi~ asSigr1S.
Execpt M prOvided in thc prcceding pMagraph, the obligation to eontinnc p<rying the alIDnal
r eser v c capacit, fce for a pMiienlM DRU of sel v ice capacity ~hall teullinate ttpon c01IDcetion
of that pa:rtienlM DRU of eapacit, to a city treatment plant.
ShtIck till (,ltlgh passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
(b) Re;set ve; capae;ity fee; shall be; established and lnity be; ehanged by dtlly adopted ICsoltltion of
the city cOtlneil.
See. 19-47.12. Cledit ghen Against dnelaplllent fee ,"hen individuAls cannect ,"ha hAle been
pleliausly paying nlonthly senke A"aHAbilit, ch.llges fal utility senke,
althaugh nat cannected ta the system.
The City ofDdgc~ateI City will allow thc application ofnlonthly sCIvie;e availability charges paid
fur ~atCI ancb'oI ~Mte~atet SCt vice M a cICdit not to exceed the; total cost o[thc de v dopmcnt fee
asscsscd to the comleetOl.
See. 19-48. Resel ved.
See. 19-49. PenAlty fal lialatian of sectian 19-43.
A v iolatioll of any ofthe pro visions ofsection 19-43 shall constittlte grotlnds fOI the discontintlance
of scr v ice. This eit, shall hav c the; po~e;t to bring the Ilee;CSM1", legal actions to e;ollcet ddillqtlent
amotln:ts together with cost and fce;s ofthe action.
All conflicting ordinances and resolutions, or parts thereof in conflict with this ordinance,
are hereby superseded by this ordinance to the extent of such conflict.
If any portion of this ordinance is for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional,
inoperative, or void, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. If this
ordinance or any provisions thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person, property, or
circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, property, or
Shtick thte,ngh passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
Provisions of this ordinance shall be incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the City of
Edgewater, Florida, and the word "ordinance", may be changed to "section", "article", or other
appropriate word, and the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish
such intention; provided, however, that Parts B through F shall not be codified.
This Ordinance shall take place as ofPcbltlc'tl)i 1,2004 March 15,2004.
After Motion by Councilwoman Rhodes and Second by Councilman Brown, the vote on the
first reading of this ordinance held on January 5,2004, was as follows:
Mayor Donald A. Schmidt X
Councilman James P. Brown X
Councilman Dennis Vincenzi X
Councilwoman Harriet E. Rhodes X
Councilwoman Judy Lichter X
Shtick throtlgh passages are deleted.
Underlined passages are added.
After Motion by Councilwoman Rhodes and Second by Councilwoman Lichter ,
the vote on the second reading of this ordinance was as follows:
Mayor Donald A. Schmidt x
Councilman James P. Brown x
Councilman Dennis Vincenzi x
Councilwoman Harriet E. Rhodes x
Councilwoman Judy Lichter x
PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 26 day of January, 2004.
For the use and reliance only by the City of
Edgewater, Florida. Approved as to form and
legality by:
Scott A. Cookson, Esquire
City Attorney
Foley & Lardner
Snneek-Hxeaugle passages are deleted.
Underlined passages we added.
2004-0-05 15
By: Qc-'
Donald A. Schmidt
Robin L. Matusick
Legal AssistanUParalegal
Approved by the City Council of the City of
Edgewater at a meeting held on this 26
day of January, 2004 under Agenda Item No.
6 E .