2004-O-04 " ~ ~ ,.." ORDINANCE NO. 2004-0-04 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 12.5 (PARKS AND RECREATION), BY REPEALING ARTICLE III (PARK AND OPEN SPACE IMPACT FEE) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTING PROVISIONS, SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, ADOPTION AND CODIFICATION. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, has made the following determinations: WHEREAS, based upon review by Staff, it was found that various development, capital and impact fees were referred to in numerous locations in the Code of Ordinances and the Land Development Code; and WHEREAS, Staff recommended that all sections relating to construction and development (development fees, capital and impact fees) be consolidated and located in one section ofthe Code; and WHEREAS, on January 5, 2004, City Council adopted Ordinance #2003-0-15 which restated Chapter 21 (Land Development Code), Article XVII (Development/Impact Fees) and incorporated all development/impact related fees into one Article; and WHEREAS, restatement of Article XVII (Development/Impact Fees) now incorporates the Park and Open Space Impact Fees, therefore, Article III of Chapter 12.5 (Parks and Recreation) should be repealed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the People ofthe City of Edgewater, Florida: Struck tm6tl!!,h passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2004-0-04 '-' .."" PART A. AMEND CHAPTER 12.5 (PARKS AND RECREATION), BY REPEALING ARTICLE III (PARK AND OPEN SPACE IMPACT FEE) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF EDGEW ATER, FLORIDA. Chapter 12.5 (Parks and Recreation) of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by repealing Article III (Park and Open Space Impact Fee) as follows: ARTICLE III. PARK AND OPEN SPACE IMPACT FEE Sec. 12.5-14. P ~ll k tlnd open sptlce impact fee. (a) Celie/ aUy. This Mticle. shall be knOt'Vll and nury be cited M the "PMk and Open Space Impact Pce Ordinance." Each person vvho shall apply WI a city building permit for residential development shall p~ a patk and openspitce impact fee in the malmel and the amount sct forth in this section. Sueh fees shall be collected and used by the cit, only in such lllitmler M set forth in this section. (b) Deft/idiom. Ccrpitc.; imp/ 0 MmelltJ include latld acquisition, site de v elopment, equipment 01 othel facilities. Capita; COJtJ include platming, engineering, acquisition and eonstmetion costs of capital imprOvements, but do not include lontine maintenance costs. Feepayed is a pel son requiled tmdCl this Ordinance to p~ the patk atld opm spitee impact fce. A feep~el shall not inclnde a city, eounty, .!Itate or federal agency. ReJident;al de ve;op11lellt mcatls any eonstmetion that ereates one or mClre dt'Velling tmits. Por pmposes of this section, the tCl111 excludes a leplacement of 01 addition to any existing dt'Velling unit ifno net'V net dt'Velling nnits ate cleated. (e) Schedti;e. No building pelmit shall become final and no certificate of occupancy shall be issued until any applicable patk and open space fee shall be paid according to the :fullo t'V ing schedule., or Mal esult of a special study under pat agr aph (d) her ein. i,llpact Fee Schedule Land UJe Type Fee RGsidential. Single-fanlil, detitched 2-Dcdroom 01 lcs.!l ......................................................... J-Dedr oorn .......................................................................................................... 4-Dedloorn 01 lnOI e ............................................................................................ Single-family AttitChcd. 2-Dedloorn or less.............................................................................................. J-Dcdroom or mClI e ........................................................................................... Multifamily. $J55.00 J80.00 470.00 2J5.00 420.00 Shuck tmongh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2004-0-04 2 ..... ..." 2-Ded:t 00111 01 less............................................................................................. 3-Ded:t 00111 01 IHOI e ........................................................................................... Mobile IIome. 1-Dcd:t oonl 01 less............................................................................................. 2-Dcdloonl ........................................................................................................ 3- Dedr oom or mor e .......................................................................................... IIotel 01 Motel. Pel rOOIll ........................................................................................................... 270.00 445.00 185.00 280.00 395.00 285.00 (d) Speda: Jtttdy. At the option oft11e fcep~er, 01 ifthe city eOtlllei1 detelmines thm the loemion, intensity 01 tlntlsnalnatnre of the nse indicates thm impacts on the park and opcn space lands ~ ill be sttbstantially highel than those M~tlmcd in the fee ~chcdtlle in paragraph (c), a ~peeial ~ttldy may be n~cd to compnte the park arId opcn and open ~pace impact fce. The fccp~el ~hall be respon~ibk fOI the preparmion ofthe ~pceial stndy, which shall Mllo~ ~tarldard methodologies and a f()llnat apploved by the planning dil cctOI. (e) I\..yitzent a/fee, IUOI';. The fcep~cI shall pay the park and opcn ~pace impact fees m city hall, ~hich shalllccold reccipt of the fce in the official pttblie lecold ofthc city and, tlpon fnll p~mc11t of the fcc, shall i~sne to thc fcepaycI a certified copy of stlch Iccord ofreecipt, which m~ be tl~ed by the fccp~el M evidence ofp~mcnt. (t) OeditJ aga;JlJtfee. Any conveyance ofland 01 eon~trtletiollleecived and accepted by the city cotlncil nom a de.vdoper f()1 park arId open ~pace pnrposes shall be Gledited against the impact fce dtle ifthe conveyance. or con~trtletion meet~ the MnlC nceds M the impact fcG. (1) If the ~ i~he~ to I ecei v e el edit against the amotlnt of de v clopmcnt impact fee dtle fOl ~tleh eOllveyanee 01 construction, the de. v elopel shall entel into a fce aglee.mcnt ~ith the city eOtlneil. The fee agleement ~hall prOvide for e~tablish1l1cnt of credits a1Id paynlCnt of the fee ill a spceified lllarmG arId time:- (2) The valtle of land conveycd by a developer and accepted by the city f()1 ptllpo~es of this ~cetion ~hall be detellnincd by an appIailla1 bMed on the fail market v altle ofthe larId, and the v alue offadlitie~ constltleted shall be bMed Oll the aettlal cost of fadlitiell M G~tabli~hed by the. cost I cecipts pI" v idcd by the de v dopeI. (3) Any land awarded Glcdit tl11deI this llCetioll ~hall be. convC)ed in fee simple. no latel than the time m ~hieh impact fce i~ rcqtlilcd to be paid. Any colllltrtletioll ~hall be in accordance ~ith city dClliglllltandards. The portion of the. impact fee Ieprcllentcd by a eledit fur eOIlstr tletion ~hall bc de.e.mcd Struck tmotlgh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2004-0-04 3 ,., ., :~ :~:~~ th~ eo~~t~uetion is completed a:lld accepted by the city fO! ~~al~:t~I~~l~e O! ~ hen ~eqn<rte seenlit, f..~1 the eompktion of the eonstl uetIon has bem plO v Ided. ::;':;:2'::'~: "",ut!.'.",. Pm.. and 6pCfi 'p,",o impact fa, p.id Whle, ~ P:~:': :~:~ ~~~.t~n.~l~~~~~~ ~~~_b: the CIty exdnslvdy fOI the pmpose of k 1 :~a:~;:~~ '~'J'f~'~h.c:,t' l<> n,w tho dCm""J d,at hO~ 10.idcl.ti.1 do.d6pmctlt ~:~:. ~ c~ ~I~II o,j>bh.ili lid o'HudtkCd pM.. lIhd 6p<n 'I'''''e l~4'.~t;o ~~: ~"'.~d 1Il16 w ~ch .11 fec. oollcotcJ ""dc, tIli, 'Uti6fi. ,h.1I bo pMd ..;~~~~: :~:~~ : dtsbtll~cmcl1ts shall be made only III aceoldanee wIth the pmpose I. (g) (h) ~~~:::~ oj' tt;'~J~~ !e~,). AllY mnds collected nudel this section not expmded 01 ~:~o~ by-H,;- c..,d vf tho c.kud.. yo.. inunoJi.td) f<>1I6"iug ,;x ~) y:: ::u. ~:'.~ ~.ttG <>11," ~h the w tifk.oc 6f 60c"""~C) fot H,o 1 e,idwtial dc~ ~ ~Pu 1 ":",,. "~ed m. y be 10to1noo l<> tbe f<cp. yet, at hi. ckctwn, wIth lIltc. 0'( ~~~ .:, ~: :1~ ~~) ~C~~I?t ~e~ annttill. riovlded, hOl'\>evel, that auy legal ehalkl C ~r;~:~~~~ ?f !:~~ ~l~~e,l this section shall toll the time nndel this pmaglaph fOI repayment of the fees. (i) Li~ItJ. Impact fees me, a liw against the leal plOpGty sel ved mId shall he, kvied, ~~~~~:~e,d mId cllwleed ill the, smue mml1Iel as ale city leal plope,rty taxes, mId shall :~ t~~ ~~le ~~~o~~t!~ alId heal the same mtelGst and pwaltIes as CIty Ie,al plope,rty taxes fut hell pmposcs. PART B. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS. All conflicting ordinances and resolutions, or parts thereof in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby superseded by this ordinance to the extent of such conflict. PART C. SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY. If any portion of this ordinance is for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative, or void, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. If this ordinance or any provisions thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person, property, or circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, property, or circumstance. Shtick th16t1gh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2004-0-04 4 .,. ...", PART D. CODIFICATION. Provisions of this ordinance shall be incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Edgewater, Florida, and the word "ordinance", may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word, and the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; provided, however, that Parts B through F shall not be codified. PART E. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take place as ofPcbltlMy 1,2004 March 15.2004. PART F. ADOPTION. After Motion by Councilwoman Lichter and Second by Councilwoman Rhodes, the vote on the first reading ofthis ordinance held on January 5,2004, was as follows: AYE NAY Mayor Donald A. Schmidt X Councilman James P. Brown X Councilman Dennis Vincenzi X Councilwoman Harriet E. Rhodes X Councilwoman Judy Lichter X Sh tick th:tot1~h passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2004-0-04 5 Ci x After Motion by Councilwoman Lichter and Second by Councilman Brown , the vote on the second reading of this ordinance was as follows: Mayor Donald A. Schmidt Councilman James P. Brown Councilman Dennis Vincenzi Councilwoman Harriet E. Rhodes Councilwoman Judy Lichter PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 26 ATTEST: For the use and reliance only by the City of Edgewater, Florida. Approved as to form and legality by: Scott A. Cookson, Esquire City Attorney Foley & Lardner Struck duough passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 2004-0-04 6 AYE NAY day of January, 2004. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI F-F GEWATERC� By: o Donald A. Schmidt Mayor Robm L. Matusick Legal Assistant/Paralegal Approved by the City Council of the City of Edgewater at a meeting held on this a day of January, 2004 under Agenda Item No. 6 0