05-09-2018Ci 1), of
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
City of Edgewater
Meeting Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
6:30 PM
104 N. Riverside Drive
Edgewater, FL 32132
Present 7 - George Kennedy, Robert Andrejkovics, Michael Eichhom, Chris Hatcher, Robert
McIntosh, Thomas Duane and Paul Wright
Also Present 2 - Development Services Director Darren Lear and Senior Planner Bonnie Brown
a. Regular Meeting - April 11, 2018
Council Chambers
A motion was made by Mr. McIntosh, second by Mr. Andrejkovics, to approve the minutes
of April 11, 2018. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes: 7 - George Kennedy, Robert Andrejkovics, Michael Eichhom, Chris Hatcher, Robert
McIntosh, Thomas Duane, and Paul Wright
a. VA -1809 - Mark Karet, Zev Cohen & Associates, requesting a variance from Land
Development Code for property located 412 - 418 West Park Avenue and the
adjacent parcels to the south.
Mr. Lear provided background information and stated this request was before the Board in April,
however, the variance to the setback on the west side of the property was erroneously omitted.
Chairman Kennedy opened the public hearing. There being no questions or comments Chairman
Kennedy closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Andrejkovics, second by Mr. Wright, to approve VA -1809. The
MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes: 7 - George Kennedy, Robert Andrejkovics, Michael Eichhorn, Chris Hatcher, Robert
McIntosh, Thomas Duane, and Paul Wright
b. VA -1805 - Kimberly Rockburn requesting a variance from the Fisherman's Cove
RPUD (Residential Planned Unit Development Agreement) for property located at
4691 Bayfield Harbor Lane.
Mr. Lear provided background information on the request. He stated at the April meeting the Board
moved to approve the variance, however the motion failed due to a tie vote. The applicant was
advised by the Board that she could bring the request back before them for review, however, there
has been no change to the request. Mr. Lear indicated since there has been no change to the request
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Staffs recommendation is for denial.
Chairman Kennedy opened the public hearing.
Kim Rockburn, 4691 Bayfield Harbor Lane, stated she provided the Conservation Easement and
additional pictures related to the request. Ms. Rockburn added that the pictures show how the
neighbors view of the community day dock is already obstructed. She stated everyone in the
community has a right to use the day dock, but not necessarily a right to see the day dock and her
neighbor has a view of the river even if she were to install a fence.
William and Pamela Thomas, 4693 Bayfield Harbor Lane, opposes the installation of a six-foot fence
as it will impede their view of the river. Mr. Thomas stated they knew the rules and regulations when
they moved there; with 50 foot lots any fence will break the water -view. He stated he does not feel
the rules and regulations should be changed for one person.
Ms. Rockburn stated the Conservation Easement supercedes the City of Edgewater regulations
regarding the water, and the only water access permitted are three (3) shared docks once they are
constructed. She further discussed the additional photos provided, including a column on the Thomas'
Ms. Thomas stated the column on their patio only blocks the side of Ms. Rockburn's house, not their
view of the water. Mr. Thomas stated the Conservation Area has been marked and they were told by
the County they can make a path to the water.
Brent Appy, 1310 2nd Street, stated he recently purchased 4697 Bayfield Harbor Lane; it is rare to
allow solid fences along the water and he is opposed to the variance request.
Ms. Rockburn further discussed the variance request and her property lines.
Darren Van Ryn, 4695 Bayfield Harbor Lane, spoke in opposition of the request.
Mr. Andrejkovics stated no attempt was made to amend the variance as requested by the Board and
asked Ms. Rockburn why that was. Ms. Rockburn stated she tried to amend it with more clarification
of paperwork, the Conservation Easement, and additional photos.
Mr. Andrejkovics stated the Board's responsibility is to preserve certain things in the City, water
areas are very sensitive and they have to take it very seriously.
Ms. Rockburn added that there is a cove, with the river being at least a football field away from the
There being no further discussion Chairman Kennedy closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Andrejkovics, second by Mr. Hatcher, to deny VA -1805 based
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on the City's review and the facts before them. The MOTION was APPROVED by the
following vote:
Yes: 7 - George Kennedy, Robert Andrejkovics, Michael Eichhorn, Chris Hatcher, Robert
McIntosh, Thomas Duane, and Paul Wright
a. VA -1810- Fredrick Peters requesting a variance from the Land Development Code
for property located at 203 Eaton Road.
Mr. Lear provided background information and Staffs recommendation. He stated the applicant has
agreed to install the fence flush with the front of the house if approved.
Chairman Kennedy opened the public hearing.
Fred Peters, 203 Eaton Road, stated the reason for the request is to create a sound barrier from the
Fire Station across the street.
Mr. Andrejkovics stated he visited the site and concurred that visibility is good and did not feel the
fence would impede it.
There being no further discussion, Chairman Kennedy closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Hatcher, second by Mr. Eichhorn, to approve VA -1810. The
MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes: 7 - George Kennedy, Robert Andrejkovics, Michael Eichhorn, Chris Hatcher, Robert
McIntosh, Thomas Duane, and Paul Wright
b. AN -1802 - D. Frank Wright, requesting annexation of 1.56± acres of land located at
190 William Street.
Mr. Lear provided background information and staffs recommendation.
Chairman Kennedy opened the public hearing.
Frank Wright, applicant stated he was available if there were any questions.
Denise Sustrich, 195 William Street, voiced concerns regarding the neighbors recourse if the property
owner requests to change the property to anything other than single family.
Mr. Lear stated there would be public hearings and adjacent owners would be notified of such, he
added that he did not think staff would recommend approval for a change in use. Ms. Sustrich then
questioned the property not being contiguous. Mr. Lear explained the Interlocal Agreement the City
entered into with 1Volusia County allowing annexations within a certain boundary. Ms. Sustrich then
stated she did not receive a notification letter. Ms. Brown verified the letter was mailed utilizing the
County Property Appraiser's data.
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There being no further discussion Chairman Kennedy closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Wright, second by Mr. McIntosh, to send a favorable
recommendation to City Council for AN -1802. The MOTION was APPROVED by the
following vote:
Yes: 7 - George Kennedy, Robert Andrejkovics, Michael Eichhorn, Chris Hatcher, Robert
McIntosh, Thomas Duane, and Paul Wright
C. CPA -1803 - D. Frank Wright, requesting an amendment to the Future Land Use
Map to include 1.56± acres of land located at 190 William Street as Low Density
Mr. Lear provided background information and Staffs recommendation.
Chairman Kennedy opened the public hearing.
Bill Fatula, 4505 Myrtle Street, asked for an explanation of Low Density, which Mr. Lear provided.
Mr. Fatula then voiced concerns of the property being permitted four (4) units per acre. Mr. Hatcher
explained the Land Use allows for up to four (4) dwelling units per acre. Mr. Lear added that was
the same as it currently is in the County, that nothing is actually changing.
There being no further discussion Chairman Kennedy closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Andrejkovics, second by Mr. McIntosh, to send a favorbale
recommendation to City Council for CPA -1803. The MOTION was APPROVED by the
following vote:
Yes: 7 - George Kennedy, Robert Andrejkovics, Michael Eichhorn, Chris Hatcher, Robert
McIntosh, Thomas Duane, and Paul Wright
d. RZ-1803 - D. Frank Wright, requesting an amendment to the Official Zoning Map to
include 1.56± acres of land located at 190 William Street as R-1 (Single Family
Mr. Lear provided background infromation and Staffs recommendation.
Chairman Kennedy opened the public hearing. There being no discussion Chairman Kennedy closed
the public heaing.
A motion was made by Mr. Wright, second by Mr. McIntosh, to send a favorbale
recommendation to City Council for RZ-1803. The MOTION was APPROVED by the
following vote:
Yes: 7 - George Kennedy, Robert Andrejkovics, Michael Eichhorn, Chris Hatcher, Robert
McIntosh, Thomas Duane, and Paul Wright
SD -1701 - Woodbridge Lakes at Edgewater, LC requesting preliminary plat
approval for the Woodbridge Lakes subdivision.
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Mr. Lear provided background information and Staffs recommendation.
Chairman Kennedy opened the public hearing.
Jack Spira, 5205 Babcock Street, Palm Bay, representing the applicant stated he is available to
answer any questions.
There being no discussion Chairman Kennedy closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Wright, second by Mr. Andrejkovics, to send a favorbale
recommendation to City Council for SD -1701. The MOTION was APPROVED by the
following vote:
Yes: 7 - George Kennedy, Robert Andrejkovics, Michael Eichhorn, Chris Hatcher, Robert
McIntosh, Thomas Duane, and Paul Wright
f. SD -1703 - David Evans, Liberty Village Development Inc., requesting Preliminary
Plat approval for a subdivision to be located east of South Glencoe Road and south
of Lake Waterford Estates.
Mr. Lear provide background information and Staffs recommendation.
Chairman Kennedy opened the public hearing.
Jerry Finley, Finley Engineering stated they would be happy to answer any questions.
Chairman Kennedy asked if Milrose Drive was abandoned. Mr. Lear and Mr. Finley both stated the
road was vacated by a prior action.
There being no discussion Chairman Kennedy closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Hatcher, second by Mr. Eichhorn, to send a favorable
recommendation to City Council for SD -1703. The MOTION was APPROVED by the
following vote:
Yes: 7 - George Kennedy, Robert Andrejkovics, Michael Eichhorn, Chris Hatcher, Robert
McIntosh, Thomas Duane, and Paul Wright
g. ZA-1802 - E.V. LaCour, requesting to amend and restate the Oak Leaf Preserve
RPUD (Residential Planned Unit Development Agreement).
Mr. Lear provided background information, including key changes to the proposed Agreement, and
Staffs recommendation.
Chairman Kennedy opened the public hearing.
Jeff Brock, 444 Seabreeze Boulevard, Daytona Beach, representing the owner/applicant, introduced
their team and stated they would answer any questions. He stated the proposed Agreement would
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reduce the number of lots previously approved, add emergency access, and include an age -restricted
area which would be gated with private roads.
Parker Mynchenberg, 1729 S. Ridgewood Avenue, Holly Hill, stated the project includes an increase
in open space and stormwater management.
Mr. Wright pointed out the Agreement states 2005. Mr. Lear stated Staff corrected the year after the
agenda was published.
Mr. Andrejkovics asked for clarification of the easements on every other lot. Mr.Lear stated it was
for construction purposes. Mr. Andrejkovics then asked who would be responsible for the roads. Mr.
Mynchenberg clarified ownership and maintenance of the roads. He added there would be two
clubhouses, one for the all family section and one for the gated section. Mr. Andrejkovics asked f
there would be a pool. Mr. Mynchenberg stated there would be one for each section, and after
discussion with Staff a playfield was added to the all family section of the development. Mr.
Andrejkovics asked if having one (1) entrance was sufficient for a community of this size. Mr.
Mynchenberg stated based on the traffic study they are confident one entrance will be sufficient, and
added there are two (2) emergency access points that will be gated for utilization in an emergency
situation. Mr. Lear added that one access was removed due to the installation of the trail.
Mr. Mcintosh asked about turn lanes and drainage improvements on Old Mission Road. Mr.
Mynchenberg stated he has worked with Volusia County to provide turn -lanes for the project which
will include drainage improvements.
There being no further discussion Chairman Kennedy closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Andrejkovics, second by Mr. McIntosh, to send a favorbale
recomendation to City Council for ZA-1802. The MOTION was APPROVED by the
following vote:
Yes: 7 - George Kennedy, Robert Andrejkovics, Michael Eichhom, Chris Hatcher, Robert
McIntosh, Thomas Duane, and Paul Wright
a. Development Services Director's Report
Mr. Lear requested the June meeting be moved to the 20th, the third Wednesday, due to scheduling
b. Chairman's Report
None at this time.
c. Agency Member's Report
None at this time.
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There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Bonnie Brown
Senior Planner
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