519ORDINANCE NO. 519 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING REVENUE TO BE COLLECTED FOR THE WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING 1, 196E AND 31,1967 ENDING OCTOBER 31, 967, TO THE VARIOUS ITEMS OF THE CITY BUDGET. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That the following amounts of moneys to be'. collected fnom the source of revenue of the Waterworks and Sewer System of the City of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, during the fiscal year beginning November 1, 1966 and ending October 31, 1969, be and the same hereby are appropriated to the following purposes and in the following amounts: November 1, 1966 ending October 31, 1967 REVENUE WATER DEPARTMENT Water Sales $ 47,000 Connection Charges 2,000 Service Charges 1,000 Hydrant Rental 5,000 Miscellaneous 300 Sub -Total $ 55,300 SEWER DEPARTMENT ewe�ice Charges 50,000 Connection Charges 1,000 Miscellaneous 50 Sub -Total 51,050 NON -OPERATING REVENUE t it es axes 28,000 Interest on Investment 6,950 Sub -Total 34,950 TOTAL REVENUE 141,300 APPROPRIATIONS -- - -- WATER DEPARTMENT Salaries 10,000 Paytroll Taxes 400 Electrical Power 2,200 Chemicals 1,200 Supplies 2,000 Truck Expense 600 Repairs and Replacements 300 Telephone and Telegraph 300 Printing 400 Professional 300 Insurance 1,000 Tank Maintenance 500 Equipment Rental 100 Office Space Rental 600 Miscellaneous 500 Sub -Total 20,400 SEWER DEPARTMENT Salaries and Wages 8,900 Payroll Taxes 400 Electrical Power 2,400 Chemicals 2,500 Supplies 300 Truck Expense 200 Repairs & Replacements 200 Telephone and Telegraph 200 Printing 400 Professional 300 Insurance 800 Equipment Rental 300 Office Space Rental 600 Miscellaneous 300 Sub -Total 17,800 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE 38,200 38,200.00 PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST SINKING FUND 77,582.58 RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT FUND 25,517.42 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 141,300.00 SECTION 2. That the Ctty Clerk of the said City of Edgewater, Florida, be and she is hereby directed to apportion such revenue of the Waterworks and Sewer System of the City of Edgewater, Flofada, to the respective pprposes set forth in Section 1 hereof as and when the above described and designated revenues are received and collected. SECTION 3. That all ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same hereby are repealed. SECTION 4. That this Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. )Ti))ex x)b Dxtx VrAA Dam)c)ex waax rxxtx A mx x )fDAA x aDxlx.paaaaxbt )*x )vVtV X))f t hax £A tyx £DDaxA A x D)fx tt:ex £A tyx Dth £xlxl)ewx)t*)ry x t"A )o)H)daKx )o)tx )t)hax xa)g)QAam meatA D)gx D)fx tloax £DDaxA A x iJaA)dx aDX tt mx t )r)dx)dayx D)fx tbt)taDa)rXx *x;DXx AAk6*X MRRRX jejoA i RRx 90.yx ma)da%x %ie)CDD)d24x RR:dx g*f;rxi 04nx kaax ara)gxA rvxvA:x a&x7R;g6Vt9tx!kik c txditdtd<dtd4xxd)"AFxstEttt 94x"641(Iffx'*6§xt*fl( 6X404xt<Nd; Q AifflAaetft40kx4c7c4; (R94xlkt*kx1 t9ftxftk9t4tkX0#5tt#fLXx I _J The above Ordinance was read in full and passed by vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida at the regular meeting of the Council held on the 3rd day of October, A.D. 1966 and approved as provided by law. The second reading of said Ordinance to be at the regular meeting of the City Council to be held on October 17th, 1966. The vote of said Council being as follows: RAYOR UNCILMAN -Gf_e: fir. ATTEST: CITT RK Approved this 3rd day of October, A.D. 1966 MATUQ R EMI