152ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF EDGEWATER WITH REFERENCE TC THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN LANDS TO BE VOTED UPON IN A BILL EXPECTED TO BE PASSED BY THE 1957 SESSION OF THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE. tt BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA Section 1: The Mayor of the City of Edgewater be and he is hereby authorized and directed to proclaim a special election in accordance with the bill attached hereto and made a part hereof for the first Tuesday not less than 30 days after the attached bill may become a law. ,Section 2: All registered voters of the City of Edgewater shall be eligible to vote in said election, and the registration books for said election shall close at 6:00 F.M. on the eighth day prior to said election. Section 3: Said election shall be held on the stated Tuesday between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. at the Community Center, and conducted on voting machines marked to pull levers for or against the question "Shall the City of Edgewater extend the city boundaries to include the property known as Florida Shores?," together with absentee ballots as now provided for by the general laws of the State of Flori— da marked to place an "X" after the word "For" or "Against" the same question. Section 4: The Mayor of the City of Edgewater is directed to issue a proclamation of said election in accordance with this Ordinance upon his receipt of notice of the passage of said bill, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 5: The Mayor's proclamation of said election shall be posted on the bulletin board of the City of Edgewater at the City Hall at least 30 days prior to said election, and in two other conspicuous places in the City of Edgewater. ;Section 6: The title of the proposed bill to which this Ordinance relates is as follows: "An Act Relating to the City of Edgewater, Volusia County; Amending 3ectlon 6 of Chapter 27532, Laws of Florida, Special Acts of 1951, by Changing the Territorial Boundaries of Said Section 6; to Provide a Referendum; and Providing for Effective Date." Section 7: All Ordinances of parts of Ordinances in conflict here— with be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 8: This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. The above Ordinance was read in full and passed by the vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular meet— ing on the 8th day of April, A. D. 1957. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the require— ment of reading said Ordinance upon second reading was waived, and the Ordinance put upon final passage. Passed by the vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 8th day of April, A. D. 1957, and approved as provided by law, the vote of said Council on roll call being as follows: y 6/y Acbbficil 74 CLc Councilman Councilman Councilmen Approved this i day of �%. A. D. 1957. mayor rM-1 i� AN AOT RX"MO 10 I= GM Or XONOLMM VMWZA OOam) mom sm"n ll 6 of Olaf"Salta 0y 1LMl2Mir Ai AOTa Or ly4t� Abl"140- V1al A'tarW=Wj so 1ROVIVIN M X MCTM MR. si IT ERA%= BY TAW LROISLATURE OF TO STATS Of FUMISAt Bastion 1. 400tion 6 of Chapter 27532, Law of Florida, 8pso141 Asto of 1951 is amend" to roads Section 6. tOMAAISB. — That a swniolpality to be knows, dsaiptated and sailed the sity of Sdpvatev is here- by established in Volusia county, the territorial bomodarios of whiah *bell be as followst Caaawanea to the middle of Canal to Stotion itfty, in im of RAMOO thirty-four %sat, Mw the Hillsboro or iadion River, bogimntog, thanes vestorly to Canal to the South lino of the in aaatlon forty -sins, in Tsm ebovo; thonee seventy-four It" to the tatersootlon at station* twenty-nine she said Bastion line forty-sis Or *battle to tbo north lime of th (Station fifty-tw); thamoa aM vast, four and fifty htmtaraath Ito* of the aforesaid Altarms i Wert *erner, Lhenoa South tow ohoine on the *test lime of Wo Orant to its goes' 0 "Mors fear degr**s nest, me Us *000 seld O. Alvaro% tram% to a* w number three, in pettsm thirty seventeen+ Booth of Ramp girl South on the East lino of maid to the Tewmmhim limas tbamaa St the Gobordy or South whip seventeen South n raid catwl enters lmM toe a point of WO utmo of said Sopmear Ih ritaw $a given nos vest, on "Id Ovent t aestion xis* between 1s the"* mouth en t fifty hwwdrodthe r O. Alvaro% Ovaut wth seventy -fens degrees I owl" as the north We" to its North - oft dove" Bast, fifty 69"O/m1d O. Alvaro% 4660" !forth mtvonty- i llhe of the afora- rNwamt oortor of lot "-tmm, to Township rtour lasts then" lots throe old five uth $a*..iwl'ia'. Nett 1700 we" so No nwslw at aoraor of BNtion your, �1pte=iw tilwttha Range thirty-tM� Kam%; thewmo st N6w-K "at along no not limo of the loth Rant 16".9 root to the S*tjhsaot ener or mall latts Oromtt thsmae 6g°-S3'-1t wear st along the rmrtg line of the laltta Grant low foot, thence South 21-06'-46" toot pmRlisl to the Best Line of said sexton drsat 9872 tests then** North 659-63'-14" Last 1800 Post to the South Corner of Bastion fifteen, Township tighten South, Range thirty-four Nast; thenoe north 0-39'-21" Yoat T7.2 foot to the South- most corner of the Northwest Quarter of the NOMMet Quarter of °4*tlrn Fourteen, T m *hiD_olghtOOm South, Fange thirty-four gas%; 1henoe North W-66•-y4" Bast 145 roots thence North 4-32m-21" West 1322.5 root to the North Line of sestion Fourteen, ToRshiD Hifhtoen .south, mange thirty-four 1"41 North W-o8`-44 mast 1516.7 feet) thenos south 21-151-51" lost 397 foot to the Northwest earner at tns Jane Murray Brant; thence along the North 1.3ae of said MarraZZ rant North 680-50m-39" East 1612 feet; this 3Oath m9 08'44" West 125 toot to the Southeast corner of V. 3.Lot 2, Section eleven, Township gl�team South, Rang* thirty- four tests then** North 01-191-16" Nest 990.1 foot to the vest right-of-way line of the F. s, C. Roiloky) thence Northerly along said test r4At-0f-wy of itr F. E. C. Railway line to the &oath line of seettam Two, 70w aship *iotaom Smash, Range thirty-f er ass%$ themes North 89-13n-44* East siebg the sastth ltae of said seettsh I" to the outhe"I eNsar of sold 3*ation Two, north 0e-97'-16 f"t % test) thence Sum !It'-i34% West 1339 festj 06040 North 00-27'-1 a Vest 1100.5 teot to the Nerthoost earwsr of the Sosyhweat Quarter iofthMOOVamR quftles, of *��0-44now tarty -few NNtSYtaaeSl-8 "at 1336 tot to tks Nmsiimist corner of 00 fimthwast gwwtev, of tie eV121altt �rter of *Sid Section tmj theaa* North XVI ji• V"t 2656 lest to the Nartb- oess ovm*r of the SMeiMast quarter of the North- west wm,Mv se Nat �t tewerhto la 3*uth* Range Sat NMtji own" gomth9*r-o7* West 1390 tact to tM Nssu+Ot oOroor of tIM Nrtheast ::uart*r or the t quarter of Mild "ation two; then** North 1v east 1320 foot to the Northeast corner of tie Northwest quarter of "a Northwest quarter of ostg seettsM two, said Township, and hange, therm* ftstwsr slay{ the South line of lots three and five to lest two 7e00habiD •ts"ean South of Range eM� to Il�ilum" oto the r pia" Reivvte'9rt NNoort4; theme ,Mt to No *swig of the origin*l channel of the :Whom Niger North (formerly 11119bore River); then** ■arthsrly olesi pater of amid ob"nol to an inter- 00014 a with MW ieatorly prolongation of the *enter 1La or the Se"k or 0arbardy Osnal; thence Westerly 41"s Oaid ion of Cantor line of 0arbardr cowl to pm Dt a Laiming. section 2, DWI. — (1) The tM0680 1N Got shall be submitted to the qualified olsoters at the city for adoption or rejection at a *postal or general election to be held within three (3) months Otter the passage of this aot; safe election to be conducted in s000rden*e with the law* and ordinances governing election • in the city as are presently provided. The ballot to be used in said e1*4tiOn shall be substantially the following forms 2 e Small the City of lyomater extend the City Boundaries to inals" the OrgOrty lummim Y norida Shores. par Against If yes wish to veto in the affirestive plasm a aroma work, "X" after the word "Fsr". If you wish to veto in the negative plaeo a area* mark "X" after the word "Against". (2) If voting machines are used the oforomentloned ballot shall apyly exeept that sash vets "for" or "agminat" shall be registered by lover. (1) It, at amid referendum olootlon provided for in subsootion (1) of this mottion a majority of the electora voting thereat vote in the affirmative, then this mat shall bosoms operative and etfeative at 12101 a.m., on the day fol- lowing tie ottislal canvass of the ballets oast at meth ref- eramdww aleation and the .ewe shall then be cftootive. If at maid referendum olaotion provided for in adnrattsw (1) Of this $motion, a majority of %no oleoton voting tlarrat vote is the negOsive, tnen this set shall not beassm opor- ative or efteativo, and the existing boundaries shell remain the same. Session 3. If the slastors veto to inelude the addi- tiOn$1 tOrritsry km" me TlOrids Sh ", it shall be in - eluded to voting some awabor four (t) of the eity me hereto- fore establishod and the remaining somee of the alty shill be unchanged. section 4. :Vbjoot to the provisions of the referendum heroin oentainvd, this not shall be**" etfootive upon be- oomiag a law. 3