Section 1: That the City of Edgewater does hereby
agree to the proposed contract between it and the City
of New Smyrna Beach, said contract providing In sub-
stance the following, to -wit:
a r R E E t= E N T
THII. k6:iiEE7T:NT - made this y day of .July, A.D.,
1956, by and between the City of New Smyrna Beach, a
Municipal Corporation of Volusia County, Florida, party
of the first part, and the City of P.dgewater, a ".unlcipal
Corporation of Volusia County, Florida, party of the
second part.
The party of the first fart covenants and agrees
to and with the 1,arty of the second part, a,3 follows:
1. That It will supgay electricity and furnish
the existing electrical distribution and motor-
ing equipment unto the party of the second part,
and into other consumers of electricity located
therein for the term of ten (10) years, said ten
year term commencing on the let day of May, A.D.,
1956; that it will also extend its facilities to
furnish electricity for -additional municipal
Installations, residences, commercial and industrial
eetablishmento, as may be reasonably required or
needed, for the welfare of or convenience to the
party of the second part or the inhabitants thereof.
The question of reasonable requirement for extending
facilities by the party of the first part, shn1l be
determined solely by the governing; body of the
party of the second part.
2. That the party of the first part will, at its
own coat and expense, maintain the aforesaid
electrical distribut;on and seterig, facilities,
so as to provide for all electrical ener;y reouire-
ments at proper and ample volts„e^; will likewise
pay the cost of all extensions of said distribution
and metering; equipment which may be installed during
the term of this agreement; will make such extensions
and installations of saiddistribution and metering
equipment as the governing body of the partyyof the
second part shall deers reasonable and necaekary for
the welfare, convenience and enjoyment of the pros-
pective eonsu,mrs of electric energy within the
corporate limits of the - rty of the second part;
and shall and will maintain and extend such facil-
ities in the standard manner of practice ,prevailing;
In regard to such maintenance and extensions. If
any dispute or question shall arise regarding; the
duties of the party of the first part under this
sub -paragraph, the party of the second ,;art shall
be the sole Judge of such dispute or question,
after extending to the party of the first part a
reasonable notice and giving it an opportunity to
be heard.
'' That it will read all meters, ^iaintain all records
of electricity consumed, prepare and transmit state-
ments to the consumers thereof, collect all accounts
for electricity consumed and keep said records and .
accounts open and available for inspection by the
party of the second part, or its duly authorized
agents a,,d attorneys at all reasonable timec. ,
4. That it will furnish to all consinaern -:within the corporate
limits of the party of the second part, both present and rron-
peotive, and at all timer during the term of thin agreement,
electricity at the sacre rate or ratan c'.arged therefor by the
party of the first part to other like consumers of electricity
served by the said nasty of the first part within its corps -
rate limits.
5. That It will furnish to the party of the second part,
electric service for street lighting pcuhoses or for traffic
control and/or traffic warning signals, at a .rate based upon
the cost of said electric service, as ecrapated by the consult-
inr, eN,,Ineers of the party of the first ;art, being speciPio-
sally agreed that said cost is now determined at a1.50 per
Month for each street light or each signal a- the case 'way be,
and that said established coat shall not be changed without
first giving the party of the second ,)art sixty (60)
days smitten notice of Intention to change the computed cost
to the ;:arty of the second part. Before any rates are changed
In accordance with this sub -paragraph, the ,arty of the first
part shall at the tine of giving notice of intention specify
the time and place when the oonsultinf; engineers of the party
of the first part can be questioned and examined as to the
basis of his computations, and the rarty of the second part
shall have the right to hire an engineer of their own to check
and verify at their expense the computations of any consult-
Ing engineer of the party of the first party. If the :arty
of the second part deems the cost to be excessive, the party
of .the second part shall have the right to discontinue the
service referred to in this paragraph or any part thereof.
6. That it will furnis-h to the party of the second part also-
trieity for the existing meters; and services as am Installed
in the Oity Hall and the City Community Center Ruilding and
for such meter and services as are to be installed in the pro-
posed water treatment plant to be erected., at 80% of life rates
as arc charged others for similar services.
7. That it will pay to the party of the second part durinf; the
time thin agreement Is in effect, a rebate deternine6 and cal-
culated in the following manner, to-witf
Gross per year endinj, ilE&y 113t of each End every year as per
the following; table, to -wit:
Gross Rebate
tinder '.65, 000 6X
�'65, 000 to ^70, 000 7%
`.70,000 to M75.000 8%
'75,000 to "80,000 9%
Above nO,000 10%
T3 Ae peroenta;o to be computed m4 applied to the total sales,
not increase. Thin llercentum ret,ate shall be calculated on the
actual charges made and collected for alectrieity and shall
not apply to any taxes or importAtions that the party of the
first party may be compelled to collect in addition thereto
by the party of the second part, or any other political subdi-
vision of the State of Florida, or the government of the United
States of America. This gross shall include only catered ser-
vice and shall not include any electricity furnished to the
party of the second part for street lighting purposse or traffie
signal controls. It is the intent of this sub -paragraph to
compensate the party of the second part to the extant of the
percentum provided for of all ionlei collected by th^ party of
the first part from consumers located within the corporate
limits of the party of the second part for the actual charges ,.
of electricity paid for by the consumers, and not for other
Impositions that may be by law or regulation added to the oofiR 'J
sumer's bill that the party of the first part has no contrrol
over. That the payment provided for herein shall be isr full tom"
payment and satisfaction for the franchise, right,
privilege of furnishing electricity to consumers
within the corporate limits of Vie party of the
second part, an shall be in lieu of all taxes
and assessments of every nature whatsoever that
may or could be guide by the party of the second
part against the party of the first part. The
rebate shall be pcid in monthly installments at
the percentage rate of rebate In force for the
preceding year aodat the end of each contract
Year, 'bald year ending April jOth, an adjustment
shall be made based upon actual gross collected
by the party of the first part from. the consumers
within the corporate limits of the party of the
second part.
8. That it will collect for the account of the
party of the second ;:art any and all electric utility
taxes t1posed by the party of the second Hart
upon consumers within its corporate limits and
remit the same to the party of the second hart
monthly. That no charge will be made by the party
of the first part against the party of the second
part for the performance of this service.
U. The party of the second part covenants to and
with the party of the first part an follows:
1. That the party of the first part shall hale
the right of ingresn and egress over and upon
the public streetn, ways and property of the party
of the second part for the purpose of constructin,
maintaining and serviding electrical equipment,
free from interference by the -party of the seeond
part, or any person or persons, aoting through, by
or under it.
2. That the ,:,arty of the first part shall have the
right and privilege to rest poles and other eleo-
trioal equlpment at all necessary mid proper places,'.
within the oorporfte limits of the party of the second
part, and shall have the right to trim or remove any
trees, shrubbery or other �,rovth which may interfere
with the extension, construction or mintenonee of
electrical ecuipment, provided however that this
right and privilege shall not ih anywise extend to
the private property of any property owner in the
corporate limits of the party of the second >art,
but shall apply only to those properties of a pub-
lic nature, over which the party of the second part
may have control.
//3. That it will purchase all electricity used by it
for street lighting, traffic signalling or other
nmloljx-1 purpose from the party of the first part
In accordance with the terms ar, heretofore set forth
and that it will pay promptly as billed.
4. That it agrees to accept the 1:ereentum of rebate
as provided for in paragraph A 7. as payment in full
for the right and privilege of the tarty of the first
part to furnish electricity as aforesaid and said
payments shall be in lieu of all taxes and assessments
of every nature whatsoever that it may or could assess
against the party of the first part. This exemption
shall not extend beyond the tire when this agreement
shall be tersdnated.
C. it is mutually agreed by and between the f:arties
hereto as follows!
1. That nothing in this agreement shall apply to
those areas or parts of the party of thm second ::art,
now being served by the Florida Power h Light Company,
Including street lighting and traffic control signals
In the area now being served by the Florida Power &
Light Company.
2. That at the expiration of this agreement the
party of the second ;':art shall have the right to
purchase the property or properties of the Art
of the first part, at its reasonable value, a, is
now provided by the Laws of the State of Florid,-
3 That at the expiration of this agreement, this
agreement shall continue indefinitely unions and until
either r,arty shall give go days notice to the onr'ORite
pasty that the same is cancelled.
That this agreement shall not be assignable, nor
shall it pass by succession, and in the event that the
party of the first part should sell or otherwise
dispose of its electric system, then this agreement
shall at once be terminated.
5. "Chat the party of the second fart shall enact
such oridnances or resolutions an may be necessary
and reasonable to effectuate the provisions, of this.
6. That the party of the first ;;art shall anve harm-
less and protect from da.We, the party of the second
part, in-nd about the negligent construction or main—
tenance of any of its equipment within the corporate
limits of the :)arty of the second part, and in the
event that the s,arty of the second part should sustain
lose or damage by reason of the carelessness or negligence
of the !,arty of the first cart, or any one acting through
or under it, the party of the first I%art shall reimburse
the party of the second ;'art 1n full therefor.
has caused these presents to be Ixecuted in its
name by its Mayor and Acting, City Clark, and the
corporate seal of said City to be hereunto affixed
at New �myrna Beach, L! Volusia County, Florida,
puraucnt to authority of its City Commission contained
In appropriate form this day of July, A.D.
34,,ned and sealed in
the presence of: CITY OF NEW.3IMiXA 13EACH
Its Mayor
Its Actin, City Clerk
these i?reeents to be executed in its name by Its I!ayor
and attested by its City Clerk, and the corporate seal
of said City of Edgewater, to be hereunto affixed at
Edgewater, in Volusia County, Florida, pursuant to the
authority of its City Council in appropriate form,
heretofore had, given and directed, on this day
of July, A. D. 1956.
Signed and sealed in
the presence of: pp
Its "ayor
..y AT7.'F.:3f k�-�
Its City Clerk ,,
as to form and content.
R, Lee Freeman, City Attorney
City of :iew Smyrna Beach, Florida
APPROVED as to form and content.
Fred Is.. Brannon, Jr„ City Attorney
City of Edgewater, Florida
Section 2: The Mayor and City Clerk are respective-
ly authorized and directed to execute said contract
for anion behalf of the City of Edgewater.
Section 3: This Ordinance shall take effect imme-
diately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor.
The above Ordinance was read in full and passed by the
vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater,
Florida, at a regular meeting on the 30th day of July,
A.D. 1956.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried
the requirement of reading said Ordinance upon second
reading was waived, and the Ordinance was ordered put
upon final passage.
Passed by the vote of the City Council of the City of
Edgewater, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Coun-
cil held on the 30th day of July, A. D. 1956, and
epproved as provided by law, the vote of said Council
on roll call being as follows:
_ 7L0`1tzP c�J ��9GUz-<'!H
Councilman 'T-
Herman John (Absent) _
c Ci a
City Clerk v-T"
Approved this 30th day
of July, A.D. 1956.