Declaring Results - Special Election - 11-03-1954A RE.SOLUTTON DFCT,ARTNC THE RESULTS OF THE SPF,CIAL RT.FCTIm HET;D TN THE CITY OF FDCFWATFR FLCRTDA, ON TYE 2nd DAY OF NOVEMBFR, A.n. 1954" AND PROVInTNO FOR THE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE. OF ELECTION TO THE CITY OFFICIAL CHOSEN AT SAID ELECTION. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCTT. OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That from the canvass of the Returns, it is hereby de- clared that the result of the Special. Election held in the City of Edgewater, Florida, on November 2nd, 1954, is as follows: - FOR ONE CITY COUNCILMAN IN DISTRICT FOUR TO SERVE FOR THE TERM OF ONE YEAR: Ceor,ve P. Johnson recei. ved 94 votes Howard S. Ranken received *?votes SECTION 2. That the City Council of said City does hereby declare that 4.wnad t% Ayno,t': , received the highest number of votes cast for the office of City Cnnincilman in District Four for the term of one year, and is hereby declared the regularly elected City Councilman of said City to serve for the term of one year, or until his suocessor shall be duly elected and qualified. . SECTION 3. That. the City Clerk of said City he and he is hereby directed to furnish one certificate of elention urithin nne d11. frnm th— Aate of the passa�e of this Resolntinn. esnlution was introduced by Councilman I ' which motion was duly seconded by Council- man , and upon a Roll Call vote heing taken the same ,p' declared adonted this 3rd day of November, A.D. 1954, the vote of said Council on said Roll Call pains as fnllows: annr �.n+,n mailman