12-02-2019 ���,� �/ 104 N. Riverside Drive "�` C�t1 �f EdgeWater Edgewater, FL32132 �-� '� ��_�-_.� �„ ��GEtivATER Meeting Agenda �� Charter Review Committee Monday, December 2,2019 4:00 PM Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER,ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -None at this time 3. CHARTER REVIEW a. 3.08 - Prohibition (d) - Limitation on borrowing Attachments: Charter ballot lanquaqe Resolution #2016-R-40 4. ADJOURN Pursua�t to Chapter 286, F.S., if a� i�dividual decides to appeal a�y decisio�made with respect to a�y matter co�sidered at a meeti�g or heari�g, that i�dividual will�eed a record of the proceedi�gs a�d will�eed to e�sure that a verbatim record of the proceedi�gs is made. The City does�ot prepare or provide such recorc� I�accorda�ce with the America�s with Disabilities Act,perso�s�eedi�g assista�ce to participate i�a�y of these proceedi�gs should co�tact City Clerk/Paralegal Robi�L. Matusick, 104 N. Riverside Drive, Edgewater, Florida, telepho�e�umber 386-424-2400 x 1101, S days prior to the meeti�g date. If you are heari�g or voice impaired, co�tact the relay operator at 1-800-955-8771 O�e or more members of City Cou�cil or other advisory boards may be prese�t. City of Edgewater Page 1 Printed on 11/22/2019 104 N. Riverside Drive .��: City of Edgewater Edgewater, FL 32132 �_ EDGEINATER Legislation Text File #: AR-2019-4525, Version: 1 BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUBJECT: 3.08 - Prohibition (d) - Limitation on borrowing SUMMARY: Section 3.08 - Prohibition paragraph (d) Limitations on Borrowing - requested additional information on last Charter Ballot Language (Resolution #2016-R-40) City of Edgewater Page 1 of 1 Printed on 11/22/2019 RESOL UTION#2016-R-40 ELECTION REStILTS FROM 11/08/2016 BALLOT SUMMARY#4 The current Charter provides the City shall not incur additional debt of more than 0.75 percent of net taxable value during any forward moving five-year period unless approved by the voters. This proposed Amendment provides the City may issue General Fund Debt by majority vote of City Council provided the aggregate total amount of annual debt service does not exceed 10% of General Fund operating revenues unless such debt is approved by the voters. CHARTER LIMITATIONS ON BORROWING Should the City Charter limitations on borrowing be amended? 4,197 Yes. In fa�or of amending the Charter limitations on borrowing. 5,198 No. Against amending the Charter limitations on borrowing. BALLOT SUMMARY#5 The current City Charter requires the City to maintain reserves at a minimum of 15 percent with a maximum of 25 percent of the general fund. This proposed Charter Amendment would require the City to maintain reserves at a minimum of 15 percent of all operating funds. ESTABLISHING RESERVES AT A MINIMUM OF 15 PERCENT OF ALL OPERATING FUNDS Should the City Charter be amended to require the City to maintain reserves at a minimum of 15 percent of all operating funds? 6,451 Yes. In fa�or of amending the Charter to require the City to maintain reserves at a minimum of 15 percent of all operating funds. 2,875 No. Against amending the Charter to require the City to maintain reserves at a minimum of 15 percent of all operating funds.