01-09-2019Cily of
EDGE 195, ER
City of Edgewater
Meeting Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
104 N. Riverside Drive
Edgewater, FL 32132
Wednesday, January 9, 2019 6:30 PM Council Chambers
Present 6 - George Kennedy, Robert Andrejkovics, Chris Hatcher, Robert McIntosh, Thomas Duane
and Paul Wright
Excused 1 - Michael Eichhorn
Also Present 2 - Development Services Director Darren Lear and Senior Planner Bonnie Brown
a. Regular Meeting - December 12, 2018
A motion was made by Mr. McIntosh, second by Mr. Wright, to approve the Minutes of
December 12, 2018. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes: 6 - George Kennedy, Robert Andrejkovics, Chris Hatcher, Robert McIntosh, Thomas Duane,
and Paul Wright
Excused: 1 - Michael Eichhorn
Nne at this time.
a. Election of Chairman and Vice -Chairman
A motion was made by Mr. McIntosh, second by Mr. Andrejkovics, to elect George
Kennedy as Chairman. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes: 6 - George Kennedy, Robert Andrejkovics, Chris Hatcher, Robert McIntosh, Thomas Duane,
and Paul Wright
Excused: 1 - Michael Eichhorn
A motion was made by Mr. Hatcher, second by Mr. Wright, to elect Bob Andrejkovics as
Vice -Chairman. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes: 6 - George Kennedy, Robert Andrejkovics, Chris Hatcher, Robert McIntosh, Thomas Duane,
and Paul Wright
Excused: 1 - Michael Eichhorn
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Planning and Zoning Board Meeting Minutes January 9, 2019
a. AN-1901 - Christopher M. Dresser requesting annexation of five (5) t acres of land
located at 1817 Edgewater Canal Road.
Chairman Kennedy stated for the record that AN-1901; CPA-1901; and RZ-1901 were withdrawn by
the applicant.
This Planning Item was withdrawn by the applicant.
b. CPA-1901 - Christopher M. Dresser requesting an amendment to the Future Land
Use Map to include five (5) t acres of land located at 1817 Edgewater Canal Road
as Low Density Transition with Conservation Overlay.
This Planning Item was withdrawn by the applicant.
C. RZ-1901 - Christopher M. Dresser requesting an amendment to the Official Zoning
Map to include five (5) t acres of land located at 1817 Edgewater Canal Road as RT
(Rural Transitional).
This Planning Item was withdrawn by the applicant.
d. VA-1837 - Brian Stevens requesting a variance from the Land Development Code
for property located at 314 Pine Breeze Drive.
Mr. Lear provided background information and staffs recommendation. Mr. Lear stated that
adjacent property owners were notified of the request and staff had not received any objections; staf
did receive two letters of support from adjacent owners.
Chairman Kennedy opened the public hearing.
Chairman Kennedy stated for the record that letters of support were received from Paul Schultz at
313 Pine Breeze Drive and Michael Visconti at 316 Pine Breeze Drive.
There being no further discussion Chairman Kennedy closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. McIntosh, second by Mr. Andrejkovics, to approve VA-1837.
The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes: 6 - George Kennedy, Robert Andrejkovics, Chris Hatcher, Robert McIntosh, Thomas Duane,
and Paul Wright
Excused: 1 - Michael Eichhorn
e. VA-1901 - Brian Bastian requesting a variance from the Land Development Code for
property located at 300 South Riverside Drive.
Mr. Lear provided background information and staffs recommendation.
Chairman Kennedy opened the public hearing.
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Barbara Halme, 306 S. Riverside Drive, asked for clarification on the location of the proposed
garage which Mr. Lear provided.
Mr. Andrejkovics asked whether the existing detached garage would remain and Mr. Lear stated it
would. Mr. Andrejkovics then asked if there would be access to the existing garage.
Brian Bastian, 2623 Belmont Avenue, stated there would be, however it will be used as storage as it it
not wide enough for a vehicle.
There being no further discussion Chairman Kennedy closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Hatcher, second by Mr. McIntosh, to approve VA-1901. The
MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes: 6 - George Kennedy, Robert Andrejkovics, Chris Hatcher, Robert McIntosh, Thomas Duane,
and Paul Wright
Excused: I - Michael Eichhorn
f. Michael Lopez requesting an amendment to the Future Land Use Map to include
160f acres of land located west of I-95 and north of West Indian River Boulevard as
Mixed -Use with Conservation Overlay.
Mr. Lear provided background information and stated the request has changed from Mixed -Use to
Commercial with Conservation Overlay. He stated due to the number of proposed residential units in
the vicinity with entitlements the applicant did not feel the need for residential on the parcel. Mr.
Lear then provided staffs recommendation.
Chairman Kennedy opened the public hearing.
Michael Lopez, 2401 Swordfish Lane, stated he was available to answer any questions.
Glenn Storch, 420 South Nova Road, representative for adjacent property owners; stated it was
important to work with the adjacent property owners early in the process to avoid any impact to the
developments that have previously been approved. Mr. Storch stated he and the applicant have met
and agree that the Board's recommendation should incorporate language to be added into the
amendment requiring concurrency agreements between the adjoining property owners, entities
impacted by the increased intensity and the City as well as fair share contributions by the developer
of the subject property.
Mr. Storch spoke about the adjacent property owners concerns of the impact development on the
subject property could potentially have on their developments. He added that they will work
together to come to a solution acceptable to all parties.
Mr. Lear asked for confirmation from the applicant agrees to the language; Mr. Lopez stated they
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Mr. Storch stated he appreciated working with Mr. Lopez and they want to continue to be a good
neighbor, and to make sure the development is something everyone can be proud of.
Chairman Kennedy confirmed the City was fine with the language; Mr. Lear stated they were.
Mr. Andrejkovics asked for additional information and clarification on the concurrency agreements.
Mr. Storch responded that this will require the agreements to be complete in the future to ensure the
proposed development addresses their infrastructure impacts and contributes to their fair share of
required improvements implemented by other developers.
Chairman Kennedy provided an example of concurrency and fair share for clarification which Mr.
Storch and Mr. Lear agreed was correct. Mr. Storch reiterated that the agreement would be between
the developer, adjoining property owners and the City.
There being no further discussion Chairman Kennedy closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Andrejkovics, second by Mr. Wright, to approve CPA-1902 with
the recommendation to the City Council that the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment
is contingent upon an agreement for language for a note on the Comprehensive Plan Map
Amendment to include into subject Comprehensive Plan Amendment that provides for
infrastructure concurrency agreements and fair share contingency agreements between the
adjacent property owners and those entities impacted by the increased intensity and the City
of Edgewater to insure that all additional trip generations and infrastructure concurrency
impacts are resolved by any future uses of the subject property. The MOTION was
APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes: 6 - George Kennedy, Robert Andrejkovics, Chris Hatcher, Robert McIntosh, Thomas Duane,
and Paul Wright
Excused: I - Michael Eichhorn
g. The City of Edgewater requesting amendments to the Comprehensive Plan based on
the required Evaluation and Appraisal review process.
Mr. Lear provided background and history on the required Comprehensive Plan Evaluation and
Appraisal Review process. He then indicated some of the repetitive changes made to each Element
and stated they could go over any specific areas the Board had questions on.
Chairman Kennedy opened the public hearing.
Mr. Andrejkovics asked for clarification on the removal of Policies 2.1.3 and 2.1.4. Ms. Brown stated
Policy 2.1.3 was the Level of Service (LOS) at specific schools which can change yearly and are kept
track of by the School District and the City is required by the Interlocal Agreement with the District
to obtain a letter of Concurrency from the District prior to final approval of any residential
development. Mr. Lear stated because the LOS changes yearly it should not be in the Comprehensive
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Plan; he agreed that the language in the summary was confusing and would be re -worded to be
Mr. Andrejkovics then asked about the change from Bocci Ball to Pickle Ball; Mr. Lear stated that
was at the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Director.
There being no further discussion Chairman Kennedy closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Andrejkovics, second by Mr. Hatcher, to send a favorable
recommendation to City Council for the amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. The
MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes: 6 - George Kennedy, Robert Andrejkovics, Chris Hatcher, Robert McIntosh, Thomas Duane,
and Paul Wright
Excused: 1 - Michael Eichhorn
a. Development Services Director's Report
None at this time.
b. Chairman's Report
None at this time.
c. Agency Member's Report
Mr. Andrejkovics provided an overview of the recent Economic Development Board meeting.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7: OS p.m.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by:
Bonnie Brown
Senior Planner
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