06-17-2019CITY OF EDGEWATER GENERAL EMPLOYEES' PENSION BOARD QUARTERLY MEETING MINUTES City Hall Council Chambers Monday, June 17, 2019 at 10:30AM TRUSTEES PRESENT: Bridgette King Tiana DeWees Tyna Hilton Tim Sopko TRUSTEES ABSENT: Brenda DeWees OTHERS PRESENT: Bonni Jensen, Klausner, Kaufman, Jensen & Levinson Frank Wan, Burgess, Chambers & Associates Michelle Rodriguez, Foster & Foster Julie Christine, City of Edgewater, Human Resources Director Richelle Hayes, American Realty Advisors Cali to Order — Bridgette King called the meeting to order at 10:33am. 2. Roll Call — As reflected above. 3. Public Comments — None. 4. Approval of Minutes The minutes from the March 11, 2019, quarterly meeting were approved, upon motion by Tyna Hilton and second from Tiana DeWees; motion carried 4-0. New Business a. New Trustee Update i. Michelle Rodriguez introduced new Union Representative Trustee; Tiana DeWees, and thanked her for her service on the board. Old Business — None. Reports a. Burgess, Chambers & Associates, Frank Wan, Investment Consultant i. Quarterly Report as of March 31, 2019. 1. Frank Wan reviewed the current market environment and commented in March 2019, the yield on the benchmark ten-year Treasury Note fell to 2.42%. Frank advised the board he did not feel a recession was imminent, although he would continue to closely monitor risk. 2. The market value of the plan as of March 31, 2019, was $12,197,312. 3. The total funds gross returns for the quarter were 8.3%, slightly overperforming the benchmark of 8.1%. Trailing total fund gross returns for the 1, 3, and 5 -year periods were 5.0%, 7.8% and 5.4% respectively. The 1 -year underperformed the benchmark of 5.7%, the 3 -year slightly outperformed the benchmark of 7.5%, and the 5 - year underperformed the benchmark of 5.9%. 4. Frank Wan reviewed the plan's current asset allocation and advised the board to consider private real estate because currently there was a supply shortage which allowed rents to be raised by 5- 6%. Frank Wan recommended the board change the share class of their Ceredex holdings from an Institutional Class to an R6 Class because it was less expensive. Tim Sopko asked why Ceredex was allowing the board into the R6 Class. Frank commented the plan portfolio now met the requirements to invest in the R6 Class. The board voted to change its Ceredex holdings from an Institutional Class to an R6 Class upon the recommendation of the investment consultant upon motion by Tyna Hilton and second bV Tim Sopko: motion passed 4-0. American Realty Advisors, Richelle Hayes, Investment Manager i. Richelle Hayes reviewed the makeup and principles of the firm. Richelle reviewed the four investment vehicles offered by her firm; Industrial, Office, Multi -family and Retail. Richelle explained Industrial properties were more desirable because of their lower cost and Office properties tended to be the most expensive. Note: The board recessed at 11:18am, !Vote: The board reconvened at 11:19am. ii. Richelle Hayes advised the board their firm typically paid for property with 80% upfront cash and with only a 20% loan. Richelle advised the board the next capital call was in October and fees were 110 basis points and would not change. Note: The board recessed at 11:25am. Note: The board reconvened at 11:26am. iii. Frank Wan commented the Investment Policy Statement (IPS) would need to be changed. Tyna Hilton asked if there would he an administrative cost to implement the changes. Bonni Jensen commented she would only need three to four hours to complete the work at a rate of $325 per hour. Tim Sopko asked which funds would be sold to invest in the realty fund and Frank commented he would sell bonds. Tyna Hilton asked if Frank recommended this investment and Frank verified that he did. iv. The board discussed the advantages of investing plan assets in real estate. v. Frank Wan reviewed the proposed changes to the current IPS. Frank advised the board he added a 10% allocation for real estate with a range of 5-15%. vi. Bonni Jensen asked Frank to change the statement "trustees shall be required to receive continuing education' to "trustees are encouraged to receive continuing education." Bonni advised the boars} proposed changes to the IPS were in compliance with Fforida Statutes, Tim Sopko asked if the City needed to approve the IPS and Bonni commented they did not. The board voted to accept the recommended changes to the Investment Policy Statement upon motion by Tyna Hilton and second by Tiana DeWees; motion carried 4-0 The board voted to hire American Realty Advisors to invest in real estate upon the recommendation of the Investment Consultant upon motion bV T na Hilton and second b Tim Sopko; motion carried 4-0. Klausner, Kaufman, Jensen and Levinson, Bonni Jensen, Plan Attorney i. Changes in Tax Rules for Alimony 1. Bonni Jensen reviewed the changes in the tax treatment for alimony payments, which now required the member to pay the taxes on the amount of alimony paid. Bonni advised the board she would prepare a memo for the administrator to give to members requesting advise on this issue. ii. Cancer Presumption Memo 1. Bonni Jensen advised the board the cancer presumption bill did pass and would go into effect July 1, 2019. iii. Financial Form 1 Memo 1. Bonni Jensen advised the board the deadline for submitting their Financial Disclosure forms was July 181. She then reviewed the various ways to file the Form 1 and commented sending it via email gave an immediate verification of receipt. iv. Senate Bill 248 Memo 1. Bonni Jensen reviewed the changes to the Public Records Exemption Law that expanded the definition of home address. v. Bonnie Jensen advised the board that she was looking at the current plan document to ensure the language that allowed retirees to continue working while receiving a benefit was correct. vi. Bonni Jensen commented she checked the plan Ordinance and it allowed the board to create their own travel policy rather than using the City's travel pol icy. 1. Julie Christine commented she sent an email to Bridgette King regarding the City's requirements for boards to abide by the policy. Julie asked how high the spending limit was and Bonni Jensen advised her there was no strict limit, however, Trustees were expected to act in the best interest of the participants and defray costs. Bonni commented the board could adopt the IRS provisions that allowed for changes in per diem based on geography. vii. Tyna Hilton asked if the administrator could start contacting terminated employees who had pension contributions on deposit or were eligible to receive a retirement benefit. Michelle Rodriguez advised the board she would start the process. 8. Consent Agenda a. Ratification of Warrants i. Warrant #47, #48 and #49 b. New invoices for payment approval i. None c. Fund Activity Report for March 5, 2019 through June 10, 2019 The board voted to approve the consent agenda as presented, upon motion by Tim So ko and second by Tyna Hilton; motion carried 4-0. 9. Staff Reports, Discussion, and Action a. Foster & Foster, Michelle Rodriguez, Plan Administrator i. Upcoming educational opportunities 1. Michelle Rodriguez reviewed upcoming educational opportunities for the board, including the FPPTA Fall Trustee School, October 6 through October 9, 2019, at the Sawgrass Marriot in Ponte Verde Beach, FL. 10. Trustee Reports, Discussion and Action - None. Adjournment — The meeting adjourned at 12:28pm. 10. Next Meeting — September 16, 2019, at 10:30am. Respectfully submitted by: Approved /yby: s .- p Michelle Rodriguez, Plan Administrt r Trustee Date Approved by the Pension Board: I' L l-