MARCH 6, 2007
3:30 P.M.
Chairwoman Haughwout called the Regular Meeting to order at
3:30 p.m. at the Edgewater Public Library.
Members present were: Chairwoman Jean Haughwout, Marie
Goodrich, Laverna McGinnis, Delores Shaw and Irene Mackie.
Anne McDevitt and Barbaradale Gilmore were excused. Also
present were Head Librarian Ruth McCormack and Recording
Secretary Lisa Bloomer.
A. Regular Meeting of February 6, 2007
Ms. Shaw moved to approve the February 6, 2007 minutes,
second by Ms. Goodrich
Ms. McCormack commented on capital improvement projects
that are going to be done to the building this year
including the storage closets that are in process, painting
the exterior of the building, carpeting the public area and
the offices, as well as new tile in the kitchen. They are
getting some new lighting in the reading area. They are
also going to repaint the book drops in front of the
library and various things they have around the building.
She mentioned the Library possibly being closed or they may
be running a minimal access to part of the building while
the rest of the building is being worked on.
Ms. McCormack presented a recent count of how they are
running activity wise for the month of February. They
checked out 16,510 items for the month. She feels that is
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monumental. The item count, which includes books, tapes,
videos and DVD’s was 59,360. They recently did a purge of
expired cards, which bumped them down a little bit on their
patron count. They are still at nearly 10,000 patrons
after they purged the cards that had not been used in three
years or that had expired.
Ms. McCormack then reported on the changes in fees. She
explained the library cards are free but there will now be
a $5 charge for a replacement card as of April 1. She
also reported that the County Council approved raising
overdue charges to $.25 per day as well as $1 per day for
movies. If people lose a book, the charge went up to $10
for a processing fee.
There were no Communications at this time.
A. Discussion regarding Volunteer Luncheon
Chairwoman Haughwout confirmed the theme and the items that
would be brought by the Library Board members. The theme
is “Volunteers are the Spice of Life”. Ms. Gilmore was
bringing the ham and the condiments. Ms. Goodrich was
bringing potato salad. Ms. McGinnis was bringing potato
salad. Ms. McDevitt was bringing tossed salad and beans.
Ms. Shaw was bringing jello, napkins, plates, and
decorations. Ms. Mackie was bringing iced tea. Ms.
McCormack was bringing coffee and rolls. Recording
Secretary Bloomer was bringing ice. Chairwoman Haughwout
was bringing the dessert.
Ms. Shaw showed what she had as an idea for a favor for
each of the volunteers.
Ms. McCormack suggested using potted pepper plants for the
centerpieces for the tables. She agreed to look for those.
She asked Ms. Shaw how many they would need. Ms. Shaw
suggested eight or ten but felt eight would be enough. Ms.
McCormack informed her Eddy might like to help. Ms. Shaw
informed her she was going to get Eddy and Celia to help.
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Chairwoman Haughwout advised everyone to be there by 11:00
the day of the luncheon to set up. Ms. Shaw advised her
she would set her stuff up the day before.
B. Update regarding the acquisition of property from
City Council Meeting of March 5, 2007
Chairwoman Haughwout reported that the City Council does
not want to pay any more than the appraisal. They voted no
to go ahead with the purchase. Mr. Stull, who owns the
property next to CVS, got up and spoke. It was like no one
knew about this before. She and Ms. McCormack had put a
packet together for the Council that included the three
properties in it. She stated Councilwoman Rhodes suggested
they look into Mr. Stull’s property. She has a call into
City Manager Williams to find out where they go from here.
They can’t negotiate with Mr. Stull because the property is
listed. They need to go through the listing agent. She
could do that but she needed some direction to find out if
they are going to get an appraisal and have them share the
Chairwoman Haughwout reported Mr. Stull paid $250,000 for
the property in 2005. It is on the market for $465,000.
Ms. McCormack stated last night he offered it for twenty
percent less. Chairwoman Haughwout stated he offered term
too and said he would hold the note. The size of the lot
is 150’ X 208’. Ms. Goodrich asked where the Council would
get the money for the purchase of the three properties.
Ms. McCormack stated they were negotiating and talking last
night about how they could conceivably work this out. Had
the seller come down and if they had reached a point, she
felt they would have had a sale last night if they would
have reached a consensus on the price. She mentioned money
the City expects to be getting for some shell and something
in ParkTowne plaza that they were able to trade something
and somehow free up some money. They didn’t seem overly
concerned about the fact that this property would be twice
as much as they were talking about. They will see what
happens. Chairwoman Haughwout mentioned that money not
being readily available. Ms. McCormack stated it wasn’t
readily available but they were figuring out how they could
conceivably come up with this cash had they reached a
consensus on the price.
Chairwoman Haughwout stated this issue just came to light
on Friday. Ms. McCormack stated the next step on that is
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exploring what the City would be willing to pay, what the
gentlemen would be willing to accept for the property
behind CVS. Ms. Mackie asked where that money would be
coming from if they anticipate on buying that. Ms.
McCormack stated at this point she didn’t think they could
figure that out or even expect that they will have it or
won’t have it. All they can do is come up with the
proposal and see how it pans out. They might have had that
money available last night and it might not be available
next month. There is no way to predict. She felt if they
could put something together that everybody can accept that
they are still behind the Board as far as wanting to
acquire additional property.
Chairwoman Haughwout stated one gentleman got up from the
audience and said they could sell this property and
relocate. They would stay crammed before they did that.
Ms. Shaw asked if Mr. Stull’s property would be as feasible
as the other two properties. Ms. McCormack informed her it
is bigger. Chairwoman Haughwout mentioned work needing to
be done in order to relocate the street.
Ms. McGinnis stated she drove through to check it out and
people could still come out of the motel. They could close
the street before it curves. Ms. McCormack stated or move
the street down by CVS. It is every bit as feasible, maybe
more so then the two homes.
Chairwoman Haughwout stated they have to go with what the
City Council wants. They can’t just barge ahead. She
needs direction. Ms. McCormack understood the City wanting
to be responsible as far as the money is concerned. The
point was made that if they pay too much for this one, then
they will pay too much for the next one and that would not
be beneficial. Since they are spending taxpayer’s money
that is completely understandable.
Ms. Mackie asked if the house next door was more expensive
than the other house. Chairwoman Haughwout felt they were
probably talking $300,000 for the one home and $189,000 for
the other home. She mentioned the price of Mr. Stull’s
property minus the twenty percent being $373,000. Ms.
McCormack stated Mr. Stull’s property would be cheaper and
bigger than buying the two homes. The good part is they
aren’t at a point where it is an urgent need. They know it
is a need and they know they have to plan and work toward
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it but it isn’t urgent. They can work out of this building
for a good long while and be able to take care of their
customers. It is better for them to be planning it and
working toward it now then waiting five years and
frantically trying to get a piece of property anywhere near
the center of town.
Chairwoman Haughwout stated they have to wait and see what
happens and where City Manager Williams is going with this.
If they can get that piece of property, the question is
what the appraiser is going to do.
Ms. Mackie stated it is too bad they couldn’t get a private
person where they could borrow and then pay them interest
on it. Ms. McCormack stated they couldn’t really purchase
anything as an entity. It is the City that has final say.
Chairwoman Haughwout stated she asked about that and what
they would use as collateral is an issue with the City.
She has held mortgage before but she has collateral by
having a lien on the property. She didn’t know if they
could do that with the City. She commented on this being a
learning experience.
Chairwoman Haughwout informed the Board, if anybody could
go, tomorrow there is a planning session for the future at
City Hall at 9:00. She saw it in the paper and felt they
needed to check on it.
A. Board appointment – Laverna McGinnis
Chairwoman Haughwout felt they needed to take into
consideration is where they are on the applications for the
Library Board.
After consideration, Ms. Goodrich moved to recommend Ms.
McGinnis be reappointed, second by Ms. Shaw
There were no Miscellaneous items to be discussed.
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Ms. McGinnis asked when the Council said they would be
bringing up the purchase of property again. Chairwoman
Haughwout informed her they didn’t say.
Ms. McCormack stated Chairwoman Haughwout would stay in
touch with City Manager Williams and let the board know how
things progress.
There being no further business to discuss, Chairwoman
Haughwout adjourned the meeting at 4:10 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Lisa Bloomer
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