79179/ 4 RESOLUTION NO. (%l 0OZ� A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA PERTAINING TO THE PROPOSED COUNTY STORM WATER MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION ORDINANCE, REPEALING ALL RESOLUTION IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, there is pending before the Volusia County Council a Storm Water Management and Conservation Ordinance, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edgewater on behalf of the citizens of Edgewater feels that it is in the best in- terests of the citizens of Edgewater to take an active part in the enactment of this legislation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. The City of Edgewater, after careful consideration of the proposed County Storm Water Management and Conservation o Ordinance, and the implemintation of same have adopted the following comments. SECTION 2. We are in agreement with the concept of a water management program, but feel that the procedures outlined for the implementation of said ordinance will be subserviant to the planned growth and orderly progress of Volusia County. SECTION 3. We oppose any provision that would allow for the authority. to levy any additional taxes to fund this project. The make up of the majority of residents in Volusia County are mostly on a fixed income and any additional taxes would prove a burden on an already over -taxed populace. SECTION 4. We feel that the procedures for enforcement of the Storm Water Management and Conservation Ordinance can be incorporated in the present subdivision ordinances and building code ordinances and enforced by our building inspectors. SECTION 5. We also feel that restrictions and permit application \04 requirements would have the effect of discrimination against the small developer and enhancing the position of the large developers. SECTION 6. The time element set up for the procedure to obtain permits would prove too costly for small developers and would tend to discourage planned and orderly growth due to the bureau- cratic mazw of paperwork involved. SECTION 7. This could all be minimized by adding the water management procedures to our present ordinances and the fact that our building inspectors are acquainted with their own localities would tend to provide a smoother implementation of the law. SECTION 8. We are of the opinion that if this ordinance is allowed to pass in its present form it will be an imposition on municipal governments and deprive the public of it's right of self determination and be another step toward a Metro type government for Volusia County. SECTION 9. We take offense to the Marxist type of attitude that this ordinance sets up and feel that it would be more appropriate for a less restrictive ordinance to be adopted at this time. Annual reviews of the progress being made and more restrictions added if it is necessary and we feel that the total commitment can be obtained with less resentment. SECTION 10. That all Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby rescinded. SECTION 11. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council and approval as provided by law. a The foregoing Resolution was presented by Councilman who moved its adoption, said motion beingseconded by Councilman -2- . o 0 Upon roll call vote the Resolution was duly declared adopted at a special meeting of the City Council held on the aD day of April, 1978, the vote of said Council upon roll call being as follows; ATTEST: Cty iClerk ty Approved this o2D T y of April, 1978. Mayor This Resolution prepared by: Calvin R. Dietz, Councilman Mayor -3-