32 aka 3412/20/2002 14:01 Instrument tt 2002-292962 Book: 4986 Page: 725 ORDmAVGK W. 32 t Cn eos`vd �n AN ORDINANCN VACATim rim RVWWIFTOUT, Or TRP. FMM LINE OV TW CWNIM ALVARM 4tW AND OCEAN AV"" S'FST Or TPR RION_0V_WAT OF TIF, RLORIDA 9A4f COAST RAIIROAD. AND rRCVIDIM MT, TM RRVRRSION 0r TR? ABANDONED PMMO Or SAID FLACUT AV[410E ARM W."' AVP.NDA To "i'. ADRITINO MT-RTT OWNMS. H4O:REAS, the City CO11wil of the Citv of rdnewetor> °lorida did on Jammry 14, 1953 Fees a resolution entitled as follows, tovitt A resolution Beolsring The Tntention Of The City Of ',dfewatart /olnsia ComltYt Plorida To Vacate blaglsr Avenue SO11th Of The youth Lisa Of The raronimo Alvsr" (,rant And Oman A Vast Of The Right.Of-Way Of The Tlorida a ' Conet railroad. And Providing For The Service Of notice Upon Abutting property rvrera And 'he Time And Place .At Ahich Objection Can Be Reed Before The MY Council, and I,Jr.nF,Agt is e000rdanoa vitP, the aforesaid "aolption all of the abutting property ovmra on xlarlar Avenue south of the south line of the OseOnlno Alvarez treat and on Ocean Avenue west or the rirht-of-way of the Plorias Fhst Coast !'ailrosd in the City of Fdgewater wane personally served with true copies of said resolution as pieVided for by said "Solutions and hearing was held by the CitY Couaeil of the City of 17 watert rlorida at the City Ball, rdrawetert Florida on Jams.`qry 28. 1953 at 7130 ^. V. as provided for by mid "solutlon for the purpose of hearing ob- jections to the vacation of Flegler Avenue south of the south line of the Oarenimo Alva"z Craft and Oems Avenm nest of the right-of-v&Y of the Florida rest Crest Renreadt and „Ri4TF'AS, the best interests of the City of RdPevStert the public and the abuttinr, property owners can be served by vacating vlarler AVeme south of the south line of the Cerenime Alva"a Grant and Oeean Avatne vast of the right-or-w" of the Turida 4;nst Coast Isil"adt VIMIDAt NOW--WRvWmVt Blr 1T 7rRM—D By "T, PFOPIF Or TFM CrfT Or SDCFWA^PRt . F"1arler Avenue south of the south line of the rercnimo Book.: 4986 Page: 726 Diane M. Matousek Volusie County, Clerk of Court Alveres tyrant and rowan 'vennm vest of the right-of-way of the Florida gist Coast PAilread to hereby vacated and abolished. M=ION 2. The aferedeeoribed portions of Flagler Avaaue and 'own Avemm vhieh are hereby abandoned shall revert to the slatting property owners as provided by operation of TAv. ,=ION 3. -his ordinmoe to enacted pursvent to the provisions of section U2, Chapter 27532, laws of Florida 1951. SNCTION 6. Thai, all ordinancas or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the cams are, hereby repealed. 'ACTION 5. -hie ordinance shall take affect L-AMMAtely upon its ressa,^e and a,mraval by the >Iayor. The above ordinance was read in fall and passed by the vote of the City Council of the City of rkivsvater, Florida at a regular vaeting on the 28th day of Jamsry, A. D. 2953. Dpon notion duly, mde, seconded and unanimously earried the require - Brent of reading naid ordinance upon seocnd reading vas umived, and the ordinance was ordered put upon final passage. Passed by the vote of the City Cowmen of the City of 'dgewater, florids, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 28U day of Jannary, A. D. 1953 and appravrd as provided by law, the vote of said Council on roll call being as follower ATTWTn John H. Cibbs Yes mayor-Como l:AP f far ia; Cotmoilem Hauj�hton Yes Caunci.r,am iiussev Yes ;eT.ST.,T.SiTT,1 il'-e r. Couaeilmm Approved this 28th day of January, A. 1?. 1953. John H. Gibbs )par - 2 -